Friday, May 31, 2013

three oh

What do D.A.R.E., the McNugget, Reading Rainbow, Trump Towers, the American mini-van, moonwalking and I have in common?

We all turn 30 this year. Some of us have aged more gracefully (I'm looking at you mini-vans) than others (D.A.R.E.), but we all came to be in 1983.

Summer 1983

During the first decade of life I learned to talk, walk, read, and ride a bike to name a few accomplishments. In my second decade I endured middle school, four years of braces, learned to drive, started college and made a lot of great friends. My third decade brought college degrees, marriage, two children, home ownership, and more great friends. Hopefully my fourth (fourth?!?!) decade will be another decade full of growth and friendship.

My birthday fell in the midst of funeral-related travel, but my family did a great job of making me feel special (except at 6am when Will decided to sleep perpendicular to me in the twin bed we were sharing).

To see more things turning 30 this year, click here.

Also, if you want to see a video of my sister Laura trying to get away with stuff because it's (not really) her birthday, click here.


The Cunninghams said...

Happy Birthday Carrie!!!! You are such a great friend and a genuine person, I'm sure the next decade will be wonderful.

Emily said...

Glad you were out here to celebrate your 30th! It was an honor!

E said...

Great post - Happy birthday!!

Lauren said...

Just yesterday I was like, crap, Carrie's birthday is right around now! Glad you had lots of people to help you celebrate! Let's get together soon!