Saturday, May 11, 2013

2013 :: week 19

How do traditions start? In this case, with a craving. A few weeks back I needed an activity to entertain Will while I was in the mood for some chocolate chip cookies. Boom. Three weeks strong and I think we are now have a tradition. Usually more than three weeks are required to make something a tradition, but I have a feeling cookie baking on quiet Sunday afternoons won't be hard to keep up.

I spent a few hours Monday afternoon cleaning out our garage. I swept out the leaves and other debris that had found their way in over the past winter, broke down boxes, grouped like items together, and organized our "to donate" box. I've been wanting to do this for awhile and I felt really accomplished afterwards.

Tuesday we visited Deanna Rose for the first time this year. I was shocked when Will told me he wanted to feed the goats like his friends. In the past he has been rather scared of the animals--the goats in particular--but this week he was ready, willing and eager. I bought him two rounds (about 12 pellets each) and then made him pick up dropped pellets (not sure of the correct name for goat feed) by the machines because I was out of quarters. Lauren is very freaked out by the goats, FYI.

Wednesday evening was gorgeous. In fact, this week has probably been the best week of weather all year. While TJ was helping a family move the kids and I went on a walk around the neighborhood. We ended up at the elementary school playground. They have this swing that is designed to be used by kids in a wheelchair (I think), but our kids like to ride it more like a magic carpet. It was an almost idyllic evening: I pushed the kids of the swing for quite awhile while Will pretended they were on a pirate's ship, then they both climbed and ran around the playground, and left without a flight when it was time to go.

These two kids really enjoy each other. Lauren has always adored her big bro, in an awestruck kind of way. Now they are starting to play together. They kept pushing each other over while we were at Costco and thought it was hilarious.

Lauren had a endocrine check-up Friday morning. The doctor's were really pleased with her labs. Will was really pleased by the toys in the office and waiting areas. Lauren really liked spinning around in her gown.

Saturday we went to the Parade at the Mission Spring Festival. I thought the kids would love it, but it was a bit of a bust. The parade itself was fine, but they both were freaked out for various reasons. Too loud. Too many furries. Shriner's cars driving a little too close for comfort. Not getting enough sleep the night before (main source of the problem). But we did learn that Santa's off season ride has some pretty sweet lifts, so it wasn't a total bust. We also got some candy and bunch of coupons for ice cream at Culver's. The girl handing out Culver's coupons dropped several near us and told us they were ours if we wanted them.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I love the May 9th pic. It's so fun that they're getting along so well lately :)