Saturday, May 4, 2013

our little birdie neighbors

Apparently things move fast in the bird world. It was just a few weeks ago I was expressing concern about the unsightly nest on our back porch. Now Will and I are anxious to go out each day to check on the bird babies.
 4/10 (Day before we left to Boston)
It is so amazing to me how fast these baby birds are growing! While I know they hatched sometime last weekend, I don't know exactly how old they are in the first picture. Will and I checked and saw eggs last Saturday, but when we looked again Monday afternoon we found babies. I didn't get good pictures on Thursday or Friday because every time we go out back the parents fly away and leave the babies uncovered. I felt so guilty for making them fly away on Thursday we didn't even go out Friday. I am a little embarassed when I think about how much time I have spent this week thinking and stalking these birds. Will is also fascinated by them, so we are having a good time observing the birds together.


Susan said...

That is super cool. I'm a little bit jealous. I want to have little baby robins on my porch to look at everyday.

Lauren said...

How fun is that? I still remember a nest of baby cardinals that hatched outside our bathroom window when I was a kid. Good memories.