Saturday, June 1, 2013

2013 :: week 22

Sunday evening we went to the memorial service Aunt Wilma's ward put together for those that weren't able to attend her funeral in Idaho. After the service refreshments were served and we visited with family and Aunt Wilma's ward friends until our kid's behavior forced us to leave. Elder Perry attended the service and we literally ran into him as we were getting ready to leave. He was gracious enough to take a picture with us even though he probably had a long day. Anthony was pleased Elder Perry recognized him as "the guy who carried out a crying child in both arms" in the middle of the meeting. I was embarrassed that was our distinction, but our kids did sit through a lot of meetings this past weekend.

What better way to ring in your 4th decade of life than all you can french toast at Kneader's? My family met us at Kneader's for a delicious birthday breakfast. We had a fun time visiting and of course eating lots of good food.

We had a few hours to kill before our flight Tuesday. Jill, Emily, the kids and I decided to hit up Wheeler Farm during the ONLY hour it rained all morning. Even though it was rainy, we still had a good time. I'd love to check it out again sometime when it wasn't raining.

It feels like a million hours passed between Tuesday and Wednesday's photos. Our trip home involved more delays and the biggest tantrum of Lauren's life (in my lap, on a plane). Wednesday afternoon we were able to squeeze in our first pool trip of the year before it rained. Both kids really seemed to enjoy themselves. 

Lately Will has enjoyed getting the mail with me each day.  He insists on opening the mailbox, but usually lets me pull out whatever is inside.

Our kids don't like to let us sleep. Whenever either of us lay down one or both of the kids are sure to follow.

After attending water aerobics for three months I finally bought a chlorine-resistant bathing suit. I've managed to ruin two regular suits since I started attending classes in February. Apparently the water in the community center pool is extra chlorinated. The chlorine eats away at the traditional material causing the fabric to disintegrate. It isn't the most stylish suit, but I was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable I was when I wore it.

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