Sunday, June 16, 2013

2013 :: week 24

Lauren's new shoes of choice are these pink water shoes my mom picked up for her on the clearance rack last year. They are great for the pool, but she wants to where them everywhere. After vetoing them for church, we let her wear them around Sunday evening. She was quite pleased.

Will has been begging to go to the children's museum ever since we got back from Utah. Monday was the first day that worked out for us to go and we were there as soon as they opened that morning. As usual, we spent a disproportionate amount of time in the ball room. I was relieved the museum wasn't nearly as crowded as it had been the past few visits, making it much easier to keep track of Lauren.

Tuesday we went to Olathe and had an indoor picnic with the Diggins. Will loves the Diggins because Carrie's keeps her pantry well stocked with a variety of good food and their den well stocked with art supplies. Lauren likes their toys and "bay-BEE" Gwen. I enjoy chatting with Carrie and knowing my kids are having a good time. A visit with the Diggins is always a win for the whole family, especially when Anthony is out of town and we're all getting a little tired of each other.

At the pool Wednesday afternoon Lauren was driving me a little nuts wandering too and fro. As I followed her from place to place I daydreamed about future days of coming to the pool, lounging and reading a book while my kids cheerfully play together. Then I saw noticed her cute little footprints and decided I should probably stop wishing my life away and just enjoy the present.

Will is a lover of "art projects." I'm having a hard time keeping up with his need to create. Luckily he isn't too picky. Here he is stamping a zoo with some new animal stamps.

Friday afternoon we went to a "goodbye" picnic for several girls from our old ward. Despite Will running out in front of a car and getting cursed, we had a fun time. Several of the kids had fun spinning each other around on the old school merry-go-round. Watching the kids play reminded me of how much fun it is to be young in the summer.

Saturday brought some crazy weather. After a hot, sunny morning we were treated to a sky full of clouds before severe thunderstorms. The clouds reminded me of snowdrifts, spread out across the sky. I don't know why, but I find clouds so fascinating.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Sounds like a great week!