Monday, June 3, 2013

in bloom

I love the plants the previous owners planted around our home. These pictures don't do them justice, nor do our attempts to keep them alive. One perk of all the rain we've been getting this spring is that they are all SO gorgeous.

When we returned from Utah there were even more blossoms on the rose bush. Unfortunately, the heavy rains we've been getting the last couple days have been a little too hard and a lot of the petals have fallen off.

Last year this bush didn't produce any blossoms. Due to the rain, many of the blossoms are currently weighed down, but it still looks and smells beautiful.

This plant would probably have more blossoms, but Will keeps picking the "beautiful flowers" and giving them too me.  He thinks if he gives them to me "as a special present" I won't be mad.

Will actually likes to pick buds off all flowering plants. It's a real problem. Especially when he does it in public places (like the arboretum, Deanna Rose, or a cemetery!).

This mock orange is in our back yard. It is especially gorgeous in person.It has a nice fragrance and really livens up the place.

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