Sunday, May 6, 2012

week in photos

Here is the second installment of taking a picture each day. My photography skills aren't that great, but don't let that stop you from enjoying the pictures.

Tuesday morning we headed to the store to make some important purchases: a potty seat for Will and a sippy cup for Lauren. My babies are growing up. We also had to get new cups for Will because he has seemed to take the "no spill" claims advertised on toddler cups as a personal challenge by gnawing holes in the top. Sometimes we catch him dumping his milk on the couch and he grins as if to say "betcha didn't plan on that, Playtex! Will: 1, No-Spill Cup: 0."

Anthony was out of town Monday through Thursday, so we tried to spend a few minutes chatting each night via webcam. Anthony was living the high life with ESPN, ESPN2 and ESPN News. This is not the only time I called him out for channel surfing while we were talking. Clearly Will was frustrated too. :)

Thursday my family hosted an open house in honor of Melanie and Andrew. Laura and I helped with the refreshments. Between the reception in Utah and open house here I estimate that we baked over 700 cookies and 7 batches of lemon bars. I don't think I will bake again until June. But you should check out the lemon bar recipe. They are pretty delicious. Thank you to all who watched my kids so I could get the baking done.

When I woke up Friday morning I felt SO tired. I think the previous 2 weeks (house guests, traveling, wedding, husband out of town, and copious amounts of late night baking) finally caught up with me. That night my parents treated us to a Royals game. Even though the Royal's gave the game away (insert rude comment about the Royals from Tony here), it was a fun night. And since it was Friday, we got to see some fireworks.

Saturday was the long-awaited day of the Youth Cultural Celebration. As we walked back to our car I saw this van, which made me laugh because it typified Mormon culture. Please don't hate me if this is your family's Club Wagon. But I tried to remember if I know of anyone that has seven kids, 2 dogs, rocks the Mary Kay and still has time to help (force?) their sons become Eagle Scouts, and I couldn't think of anyone so I think I'm safe.

Sunday was all about the temple. In the morning Tony sang in one of the dedication choirs and that evening we headed back to the temple to take some pictures before my sisters and brothers-in-law returned to Utah. We lucked out and just missed the storm. I love how enthusiastic Will is about the temple.


Meredith said...

Wow that is a beautiful temple. It looks like you guys are superimposed in the picture. I also LOVE those lemon bars. Thanks for introducing me to them. I made a batch for our anniversary and Steven and I ate the whole thing in a little over 24 hours, guilt free for our anniversary.

Nikki said...

What a week for you! I like the pictures. I was wondering about the temple dedication and you guys. It's a beautiful one. Congrats!