Tuesday, May 1, 2012

lauren :: six months

Six month stats:

Weight: 15 lbs. 3 ounces, 25th percentile
Length: 25 inches, 25th percentile

Hard to believe it's been half a year since Lauren joined our family. I guess it's time to stop using "getting used to a new baby" as an excuse for why I can't seem to get much done anymore and am always behind schedule.

Month number six was kind of hard. Lauren didn't sleep well. I wish I could say I handled things better, but I was pretty grumpy about the lack of sleep. Anthony called us frienemies because we were friendly and cordial during the day, but after midnight it was a different story. Lots of crying on her part and a fair amount of complaining and self-pity from me.

In her defense, she did cut another tooth during this time, and she probably wasn't getting enough to eat. She only gained 11 ounces since her 4 month appointment, dropping from the 75th to 25th percentile for weight.

Probably not the last time she looks to her dad for comfort after butting heads with mom.

She really likes her baths, and kicks the water like crazy. I am excited for pool season (only one month away!). I was nervous that the doctors wouldn't want her in the pool because of her sensitive skin, but they said it was fine and there was a chance it could even help. 

Lauren loves rolling around and grabbing her feet. She likes to talk, especially with dad. She smiles for the camera. She loves to watch Will cry. She is starting to display some signs of stranger anxiety and will probably burst into tears if you get too close and she can't see mom or dad. She seems to only scratch herself now when she is mad or bored, so she doesn't have to keep her hands covered quite as much.


She is so sweet and content most of the time. Sometimes I forget that she is there because Will keeps me busy much of the time, but then I turn and see her and she gives me a big grin. I'm grateful for that because I feel a bit guilty about how much more attention I gave Will at her age. We love our Loey girl.


The Cunninghams said...

What a sweet girl! I hope everything works out with the solids!

Susan said...

I love Lauren's smile in the picture with Tony. What a cute couple they make.

Lauren said...

She is so beautiful! Such pretty eyes.