Tuesday, May 22, 2012

photo a day

Another week, another batch of pictures.

We've moved Will back into his crib. Things didn't really work out that well with the twin bed after the first week, so the crib it is for now. Will likes to take books to bed with him. Lately he is on a "scritchers" kick. The books in this photo are his Book of Mormon board books. Sometimes Will wakes up at night, crying and when we go check on him he just sits there. We think it might be because he has his legs under him and they potentially fall asleep, disorienting him when he wakes up. Who knows? Sometimes I wonder what he does when he's in there, but not enough to invest in a camera moniter.

Tony went to DC for 48 hours,and during that small amount of time I managed to get the worst headache I've had in months. We were very excited for him to return. I often think I do everything, but I am frequently reminded that I don't do it all when he's not around. I wanted to get a picture of the excitement on Will's face when he first saw his dad, but Will decided to not be very emotive. Thanks for ruining my money shot, Will!

On Thursday we visited our friends the Diggins. They are expecting baby #3 any day now, so we wanted to say hello before the fun and craziness begins. We didn't get to stay long because Will wasn't in the mood to be social. We did get to enjoy a few whine-free minutes while to boys played with bubbles.

Will likes to make "nests." I think he learned about that from Duck on World World. It is kind of annoying because he is frequently cluttering our living room by pulling the cushions off the couch. But he seems to really enjoy it, and it doesn't really make anything dirty, so we'll let him keep it up.

Just living the dream, eating some hotdogs for lunch Saturday afternoon at Costco. Lauren really wanted to try the hot dog. Will insisted on tasting TJ's sprite, and deemed it YUCKY.

Lauren likes to be where the people are. Here she is rolling around by Anthony's feet while he works on the computer. She loves to be held, but she is perfectly content to hang out on the ground for a bit as long as you are close.

Anthony was out for a bit and when he got back our mailbox was flat on the ground. It had been uprooted, cemet and all. This photo was taken after Anthony put it back up. It's still crooked. He asked me if I had heard anything while he was gone, and I had heard a noise that I thought was him getting home, but it obviously wasn't and I didn't think about it again. So now we are wondering, was it a random act of vandelism? A hate crime? Honestly, I think one of our neighbors probably backed into it. The family across the street from us has 2 teenaged boys, so it easily could have been one of their friends. But it is more fun to come up with conspiracy theories, so we are going to go with hate crime.


Meredith said...

Good old teenagers. I never got into mailboxes, I avoided damaging personal property. Whenever we used to drive by one of our friend's houses at night we would yell his last name as loud as we could - Stark. He lived on a main road and so we drove by often. A member of our ward lived across the street. She mentioned one time that she thought teenagers were driving by yelling racial slurs at their new Egyptian neighbors, who lived next to the Starks. We let her keep believing that.
I definitely think you have been the victims of a hate crime. Watch your back.

Jilleen said...

A hate crime? Too funny! Who could hate you guys?? ;) I love your picture a day. Such a fun idea.

Tina said...

Our kids used to take the pillows off the couch and jump on them, make forts out of them, etc. We finally bought couches where the pillows were attached because I got tired of picking them up off the floor.