Wednesday, May 30, 2012

pool time

Memorial Day has come and gone which means...the pools are open! We hit the pool Monday evening and had a pretty great time.

I was worried that Lauren wouldn't like it, but after some initial yelps, she settled right in. She likes the pool as long as she is safely nestled in mom or dad's arms. She doesn't seem to like her swim suit. She was pulling at it the whole time. Probably because it is less soft than anything else she wears.

Will was a bit nervous at first, but by the end of the night he was feeling much more adventurous. He was very pleased that Aunt Laura was there. Will loves his Aunt Laura a lot.

And, like all fun things, the night ended in tears and desperate pleas to stay and slide (even though he refused to go near the slide entire time we were there). I wonder what the world would be like if we all felt things as passionately as toddlers.

Today just the kids and I went to the pool. It was slightly more stressful than when Tony and Laura were there, but I was pleased with how things went. The most frustrating thing that happened was a fellow pool patron decided to lay out and let the life guards and other parents watch her kids. They seemed to be drawn to me and kept trying to touch Lauren and would climb in my lap. I felt bad for them, but I have my own two kids to watch/entertain. Their mom was nice when I finally walked over to her and informed her that her daughter had asked me to take her to the bathroom, so maybe she was just having a bad day.

I love having a pool so close to our house! Thanks to Doug and Tina for the family pool pass (my birthday present)!


Laura said...

I love Lauren's swimsuit and hat. So adorable! And I love Will too! I'm sad I have to work so stinkin much and won't have the chance to go to the pool with you guys as much this summer.

Emily said...

I'm a bit jealous that Will loves his Aunt Laura so much. It's not fair she gets to go to the pool with him and I don't! Oh well..I'll just stick with sending my love through skype.

You all make the pool look fun :)

Holly said...

I've been looking at your blog with Bennett on my lap and he keeps insisting that the pictures of Will are actually Bennett. Maybe because he has the same Kansas City shirt as the one on your sidebar.
I'm just letting him go with it for now.