Friday, April 30, 2010

Pictoral Travelogue

Last week Will and I spent some time in the Beehive State. We went to introduce Will to our Utah family and friends and to be a part of Jill's graduation festivities.

Congratulations Jill!!

So upset that the festivities were drawing to a close.

It is hard to sum up all we fit in to 4 1/2 days. I am still tired. So the pictures will have to do a lot of the talking for me.

Will's first flight! The trip out was great--we won't talk about the trip home.

He was so happy when we finally got to Hurricane and he could get out of his car seat.

Will loved my grandparents.

Especially Grandmamere. They connected instantly.

He felt content in her arms. We are already trying to figure out a time to visit again.

Will also got to meet his cousin Sadie and Aunt Carly and Uncle Daniel.

Unfortunately, Will was a bit grumpy when we hung out with them. Sadie was as even cuter than I pictured. It was fun to see the cousins together and their similarities. We observed that they have very similar head shapes and that Will's voice is deeper than Sadie's. It was also funny that if Will got fussy, Sadie would start to make some noise, and when Sadie was loud, Will had to get loud too. Already trying to one-up each other or trying to make sure the other didn't get all the attention.

I am mad I didn't get better pictures and that Will wasn't more cooperative, but I guess you can only ask so much of a 4 month old.

It was so fun to hang out with family. I wish we all lived closer and could hang out all the time.

I guess you could say we missed Anthony a bit. So while we were in Provo we took Will to a few places his dad might head if he were in town.

Will pounding it with his Dad's BFF, Darren.

Seeing how far his Dad has come since he met Mom. (I will admit that the Caddyshack looked better back in 2005).

Will loves family history already.

This is what we came home to:

Yikes! Christmas of '08 Anthony grew out his facial hair and then cut a goatee. Right after he shaved it off we watched Anger Management with his family and saw Luis Guzman's sweet facial hair. He's been dying to do it ever since. I'm pleased to say it didn't last long.

We couldn't have survived without the help of my parents--thank you!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bite Me.

Come over here and I will.

Or at least Will will.

Lately he has taken to biting. Everything. Part of me is glad he doesn't have teeth yet because the gums alone are pretty strong. But if he had teeth he might not be so fussy. all. day. long.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I've been reading books to Will for awhile. He used to just kind of sit there and look at the pictures for a few minutes and when he started to fuss I would stop reading. Well, these days he likes to talk, so I just keep reading. Here we are reading before bed tonight.

We are pretty sure he thinks "reading" consists of intermittently yelling at pictures. Note how he gets quiet as I turn the page.

More than anything else, this video shows off his voice for any aunts/uncles/grandparents that are wondering what he sounds like.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Four month check-up stats:

15 lbs. 4 oz. (50th percentile)
24 1/2 inches (45th percentile)

Still hates shots. A lot.

This post is dedicated to Will's Aunt Jill

Congratulations on finishing school forever! Come play with me. I do fun things.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Uncle Jesse

Will was born with a great head of strawberry blond hair. The nurses were complementing it before he was born.

Less than 24 hours old.

Whenever I see great hair I think of Uncle Jesse (Full House just may be one of my favorite shows).

So occasionally when Will's hair is doing something fantastic I say he is channeling his inner Uncle J.

Is it curly? Is it straight?

Anthony calls this his poindexter hair, when I brush it to the side.

Rockin' the faux hawk.

They even have both gone through a mullet stage:

Thank goodness Stephanie forces him to play beauty parlor and "accidentally" cuts his hair. At least she claims it was an accident. I think we all know better.

The mullet looks so good when the sun hits it just right.

Let's be honest. Will is still in his mullet stage. Or at least he is in a state of transition. It's Uncle Jesse's worst nightmare. His hair is falling out, leaving some random bald spots, while other patches of hair just keep on growing. Check out that tuft of hair over his left ear. Something needs to be done. I'm just not sure when and how I should cut it.

Any thoughts?

I like to think that Will and Uncle Jesse have more than just their fabulous manes in common. Here's to hoping he will find someone as great as Aunt Becky someday.

Have Mercy!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Royals v. Red Sox Take 1

We took Will to his first baseball game last night. As luck would have it, the Red Sox were in town.

There were some down moments, but overall it was a success. We decided he is the perfect age for this sort of thing because he is young enough that he can easily sleep on our laps and he can't wander off. When we first arrived at the stadium he was incredibly alert, looking around and just soaking in all the madness. I don't think he's ever been around so many people before.

I had Will wear his Royals gear. As Anthony and I were taking a pre-game walk around the stadium with Will, a Red Sox fan shouted at Anthony, "Ah man, why did you do that to your kid." I think Will looked cute and the Royal's blue looked good with his eyes.

Will liked the non-stop attention from mom* and the visual stimuli. He really disliked the noise. In fact, the first time he cried at the game was when his father was celebrating Jeremy Hermida's homerun with the other Sox fans in attendance.

Anthony had to temper his enthusiasm after that.

*I was going to say non-stop attention from Mom and Dad, but that's not entirely true. Although his dad did pay him a lot of a attention, we were at a baseball game.Tired family.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hoppy Easter!

I think I have sunk to new levels of lameness with that blog title, but I am too tired to care. We had a busy Easter weekend involving track meets, egg hunts, General Conference and a few naps.

We started Saturday off early heading over to South to watch Laura throw the javelin.

It was a gorgeous morning. I didn't even think about putting sunscreen on Will since it was so early and we weren't going to be there that long. So....Will got his first sunburn. I made an offhand comment to Anthony that I thought he looked cute with his pink little nose, which alarmed him because we had recently discussed how pale my own skin is and how I would like to get a good burn before Alicia's wedding so I wouldn't look so sickly. Just because I have been careless with my own skin in the past does not mean I will do the same with my son. I promised Anthony that Will can get a spray tan. :)

Will's not really a fan of the close close-up. He hates the mommarazzi.

It's crazy to think that last Easter Will was just a tiny ball made up of several hundred rapidly multiplying cells we didn't know even existed. He wins the award for most changed since last Easter.

In case you didn't know, Tony occasionally moonlights as the Easter Bunny. Yes, it is true. If you live in the KC metro area and feel your party needs an appearance from the Easter Bunny to make it more legit, you know who to call.