Monday, July 6, 2009

Weekend with the Johns

**This post is also much overdue**

We got the chance to spend the weekend of Anthony's graduation with his parents, who were kind enough to fly out despite their packed spring schedule.

Besides attending Anthony's graduation, we hit up Branson and saw SIX perform. It was an entertaining concert and a fun way to introduce Doug and Tina to the Ozarks.

The next day we headed up to KC and hit up a Royals game. Unfortunately Anthony's rally cap didn't do the trick, but I had fun checking out the new K. The K may not have the history of Fenway, but it does have the nicest bathrooms I've ever seen at a baseball stadium.

On Sunday we went to church in Independence, toured the Independence Visitor's Center and Liberty Jail, and stopped by Far West and Adam ondi Ahman. Doug's cousin and her husband are currently serving a mission at Adam ondi Ahman and they were very gracious when we stopped to see them. We even got a behind the scenes tour. Here are Anthony and I standing on the rock--it was so green! We had a great time, our only disappointment was that we didn't get to do everything we had hoped. I guess that just means they will have to come visit us again. :) We also wanted to thank my dad for hooking us up with the Royals tickets and also for getting us rooms at the Sheraton.

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