Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday stroll with the Johns

We've been going for more walks lately. In part because I need to get exercise so I don't balloon too much while I'm pregnant and in part because we've had decent weather here in the evenings.

Here we are at the start of our walk.

Anthony is trying to air out his latest softball injury. His team only lost their last game by 1 and Anthony went 2/3 with 2 doubles.

One of the things I love about Springfield is all the church signs and how clever they try to be. Please ignore my awkward pose, I am getting used to my bigger bod and almost instinctually cover it up with my hand these days.


Anonymous said...

I love Church signs. BTW you look great!

David's Holla Atchya! Blog said...

My favorite Church sign I ever saw was in Heber, Arizona, and it read: Forbidden Fruits lead to many Jams. The sermon was on Adam and Eve.

Melissa said...

Gotta love church signs! There are tons here in Missoula too, I just can't ever remember them. Congrats on the new car, life insurance policy and oh yeah, having a BOY! That is so exciting. You are going to be the best mom. I can't wait to meet the little John. Hope the reflux gets better soon - although mine didn't. Good luck!

marquita chiquita said...

Carrie! I have been out of the loop! Congratulations with your pregnancy! Do you know if you are having a boy or a girl? you look beautiful as always!