Here we are at the start of our walk.

Anthony is trying to air out his latest softball injury. His team only lost their last game by 1 and Anthony went 2/3 with 2 doubles.

One of the things I love about Springfield is all the church signs and how clever they try to be. Please ignore my awkward pose, I am getting used to my bigger bod and almost instinctually cover it up with my hand these days.

I love Church signs. BTW you look great!
My favorite Church sign I ever saw was in Heber, Arizona, and it read: Forbidden Fruits lead to many Jams. The sermon was on Adam and Eve.
Gotta love church signs! There are tons here in Missoula too, I just can't ever remember them. Congrats on the new car, life insurance policy and oh yeah, having a BOY! That is so exciting. You are going to be the best mom. I can't wait to meet the little John. Hope the reflux gets better soon - although mine didn't. Good luck!
Carrie! I have been out of the loop! Congratulations with your pregnancy! Do you know if you are having a boy or a girl? you look beautiful as always!
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