Monday, July 20, 2009

Ode to Alicia J. John, who is now 21 as of July 16th

Of all my sisters I have always thought that she looks the most like me. Sorry. You would think that would have nothing to do with the picture above, but you would be wrong. The side of her mouth that she has moved up is the only side of my mouth with which I can do the same thing. Coincidence? No.

Alicia can also fit her fist in her mouth. More shared genetics: smallish hands + large mouths = timeless party moment. The skill will serve her well in future primary callings or on a mission if she can't speak to children, but she can still make them laugh. It is less good on dates.

Alicia and I share a love of what is classic, and she always makes me feel good about my musical taste.
Alicia is my only sister who has threatened me with a weapon. She brandished a knife and chased me and other sisters around the house chortling. I am sure I deserved it. You see I missed many of Alicia's birthdays being at scout camp, plus, I was a terrible older brother who plain forgot sometimes.

Alicia is probably the sister young enough to bear the scars of a lifetime of my babysitting.
Alicia has a wonderful voice- a voice she uses for music and to speak to others. Alicia challenges me. She likes to think outside of the box. She plays devil advocate and tries to stick up for people. She is like Robin Hood.

Alicia is one of the most passionate people I know. Alicia has always been one to wear her emotions on her sleeve, which I think is endearing.

I have loved watching Alicia grow into the smart, more confident woman she has become, and as her older brother I could not be more proud of her. And I really mean that.


Meredith said...

I really like that picture from your wedding. Happy Birthday Alicia! (I don't know how often she checks our blogs though...)

Alicia said...

Thanks Anthony! I have done the fist thing on dates and it has worked out. Also, I have done it for children and had it not work out. aka children crying out of fear. But, to each his own.

And Meredith, I check your blogs more than you know.

Thanks for the shout out Anthony. It captured me, for better or worse.

David's Holla Atchya! Blog said...

Should I address this to Anthony, Carrie, or Alicia? Happy Birthday Alicia, and I want to see you fit two fists in your mouth by next July 16th. Anthony, assuming you wrote this, it was very tender and well done. Carrie, you picked a good family to marry into.