Saturday, July 25, 2009

Official Grown-ups

This past week has been very eventful for us. And we've had to deal with things in adult ways. We started the week without a functioning car, not knowing the gender of our baby, and without life insurance. We ended the week with answers for all these things.

First we found out our "beloved" car's (our sweet Ford Focus for those of you who don't know) latest malady was to be the end of her. Finding out your car will cost more to fix than it is worth is never fun, especially if you are an emotional pregnant woman. But Anthony handled my mood swings pretty well and we got things taken care of. We said good-bye to our Focus and bought a new car. We were really blessed to have friends let us borrow cars to get around until we found the right car for us. THANK YOU!!

Cleaning out the Focus. May she R.I.P. And check out Anthony's pout.

Our "new to us" car. It is a Kia Optima for those of you (like me) who can't tell what the make/model of a car is just by looking at it.

I still can't get over how nice it is to have air conditioning and a passenger side door that opens from the inside. It's the little things that make life great. And no, we aren't white supremacists. We just happened to buy white cars both times we've bought cars together.

Our second adult thing is that we found out the gender of our baby. Of course, we already knew I was pregnant, but there is something about knowing the gender that makes it more real. We found out we will be welcoming a handsome baby boy into our family come December! Stay tuned for "A Father's Thoughts," Anthony's feelings about having a son. Our boy will be the first grandson on both sides of the family, and the first boy born in my parents line, so obviously everyone is excited. I had never heard this "old wives tale" before, but supposedly, if you get bad acid reflux while you are pregnant it means your baby is going to be born hairy. Well, if this is true, than we should probably name our baby Esau, because lately I've been getting it every night.

This pic is a profile shot, with a fist right next to the face.

The second picture is the face at an angle. You can kind of see the eye sockets and again, a fist is on the side.

The other ultrasound pictures weren't as good this time. Apparently our boy likes to move. Anthony told me he had rhythm. Anyways, the tech wasn't able to print us a good picture to prove that he is a boy, but we both saw the evidence. It was only there for a few seconds and then he twisted away. This boy may like to give his parents a hard time.

And the third adult thing is that we got life insurance. There is just something about buying a car and a life insurance policy and knowing you are going to have a son that makes you feel like a grown up. Gone are the summer days where the main thing I saved for was clothes and tried to hit the pool as much as possible.


Melissa said...

Carrie, you look so cute as a prego lady! I love the baby bump! So I can't wait to hear what you are must tell. It's eating me up inside and that's not a good thing (in case you were wondering.)

David's Holla Atchya! Blog said...

Satellite image of your dwelling in Missouri?

Carrie said...

Well, the fact your realize it now is a very good sign. You can always take your new baby to the pool and maybe someday we will start buying new clothes again, but life will never be even close to the same :). Hooray for the new car (by the look of it, you do like white cars...) and the baby boy!

Karen said...

Congratulations on the "baby boy"!!
Excited for both you and anthony--
sorry about the car--glad about the AC--
keep blogging and
growing up is not too bad!

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for this news! It's a boy! That's great. I bet Tony is so excited. A new car? I'm sorry your other one died! And life insurance? We'll have to consider that one soon... I'm officially on the East Coast!

marquita chiquita said...

Too cute! Congrats!!

marquita chiquita said...

Too cute! Congrats!!