Sunday, February 26, 2017

2017 :: week 6

February 5
Next Sunday Elliott will be eligible for nursery! I took a picture to commemorate our last time in relief society together. We've had some good times, but I think we'll both enjoy church a little more once we have some time apart. I'm pretty optimistic that he'll do great, he does fine going to the child watch at the gym. I am looking forward to only having to keep him occupied during Sacrament meeting instead of keeping him happy and entertained for all three hours. It's not that he's bad, he's just loud and when he's bored he becomes difficult.

February 6
I caught this gorgeous sunset while I was out for my walk Monday evening. I look forward to these walks each day and am fairly confidant they are helping me beat the winter blues this year.

February 7
Don't let that cute face fool you. This girl is an Uno card shark. She is a fierce competitor and hates to lose. She plays her heart out until you tell her it's the final game, then she does her best to throw the game to keep it going as long as possible.

February 8
We said goodbye to Elder Conley Wednesday afternoon because he got transferred down south to the Olathe 1st ward. Several of our good friends are in that ward so we know he is in good hands. He is a great missionary and we enjoyed having him in our home several times over the past three months.

February 9
Thursday morning we met up with the Cooks and played at the open gym for awhile. Kenni is Lauren's best friend and they had fun trading their bike and scooter with each other. It was such a cold morning, it was nice to let the kids move around. I saw a lot of Emilee that day. She hosted book club that night and we discussed Book of Mormon Girl by Joanna Brooks.

February 10
The weather this winter has been all over the place. Thursday was freezing, Friday it felt like spring came early. I think it got up to about 67 degrees. Will and his buddy Knox played at the park for about an hour after school.

February 11
Saturday morning Tony had a church training meeting and had to miss Will's basketball game. After the game he met us at Toys 'R Us for a free lego build (mini bat car from the new Lego Batman movie). Then Tony took Will on his monthly date to Arby's for lunch. They noticed a store that sold sports cards nearby and went in and took a look. They come home with a box of over 500 football cards from 1990. Will is currently obsessed with football. He loves sorting the cards into the various teams and divisions, even though he hasn't ever heard of most of the players on the cards.

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