Friday, February 24, 2017

2017 :: week 4

January 22
If you come to our house during the winter you will never find Anthony very far from his beloved space heater. Elliott loves to push the buttons when he walks by and it is not on.

January 23
Monday was a gorgeous, warm day. Will and Stone have been playing basketball almost every weekday this month as long as it isn't raining. We opened up the garage and got out a bunch of the ride-on toys and several other neighborhood friends came over to play too. It was nice to get a respite from the winter weather for an afternoon.

January 24
Elliott's current favorite book is Animal Orchestra. It was once a favorite of Will's and it is funny how quickly the words come back as I am reading to him. My favorite part of reading this book to Elliott is how he puts his hands up over his head and yells when we read "Hip-HIPPO-ray!"

January 25
In preparation for the 100th day of school on Thursday, I glued 100 google-y eyes on a t-shirt and then Will drew a monster face around them. It is tradition for the first graders to affix 100 of something on a t-shirt and then parade through the school. Will was excited for the parade because it would be his first time going to the classrooms upstairs in the school.

January 26
I took Elliott (and Lauren) to a baby story time at the library. I don't usually do activities that are centered around what Elliott would enjoy so that was a fun change.

January 27
Lauren joined me for a trip to the grocery store and we had a very pleasant trip. 

January 28
Elliott is getting his incisors and he is not enjoying the process. He is very uncomfortable and not very fun to be around. This picture accurately sums up what he was like most of the weekend.

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