Sunday, February 12, 2017

2017 :: week 5

January 29

On Sunday we attended Stake Conference and our Stake Presidency was reorganized. President Priday was released and President Messner was called. President Priday was the bishop when my family moved to Overland Park in 1995 and has been a good family friend for years. Anthony's relationship with him deepened after being called as bishop 18 months ago. He's been a great leader, but we are looking forward to hearing more from Pres. Messner.

January 30
Melanie and Leah flew out for a quick visit before Leah turns 2 and has to pay for her own airline ticket. Lauren was excited to see her only girl cousin on the Crane side.

January 31
More cousin fun. Elliott and Leah had some issues sharing the slide at times.

February 1
Lauren really wanted to "do nails" with Melanie while she was in town. Melanie was a good aunt and let Lauren paint her nails for her, which Lauren was quite proud about.

February 2
Thursday Anthony worked from home because he had a PT appointment for his broken finger. I was able to walk Will to school without bringing the other kids. It was especially cold that day and Will told me his breathing "sounded like Darth Vader."

February 3
Friday the kids were home from school due to parent teacher conferences. I went up to the school for an hour to help serve lunch to the teachers as a gift from the PTA. In the afternoon Will and Lauren played at the Steiners. Soren and Will don't see quite as much of each other this year as they aren't in the same class, but they had a great afternoon of Star Wars Legos, checkers and hide-n-seek. Tabitha painted Lauren and Saffi's nails, ate cookies and played house.

February 4
We had another Saturday morning basketball game this week. Will's play has really improved over the course of the season. Will brought the ball down the court a few times and completed a few passes. His team is starting to really gel together. It's fun seeing him progress and develop new skills.

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