Sunday, February 12, 2017

2017 :: week 3

January 15
Church was cancelled due to what was foretasted to be a severe ice storm. The storm ended up not being as bad as they thought, but the roads were very icy in the morning. Around lunch time it started to rain which melted the ice. I was able to go for a walk in the early afternoon in my regular walking shoes just fine. We had a nice quiet day playing games, reading and relaxing.

January 16
Anthony was off work and the big kids were out of school for Martin Luther King Day Monday. I took Will and Lauren to the open gym time at 360 Gymnastics with Stephanie. It was still cold so it was good for the kids to run around and burn off some energy.

January 17
Anthony left for Alabama Tuesday morning for his first trip in 30 days. I got into the habit of walking a few miles every day during that time and wanted to keep it up as best I could. After school and snacks I forced the kids to walk with me. They were pretty good sports about it, it was pretty cold. I find that I am so much happier when I spend a few minutes outside each day.

January 18
Basketball practice is tough when Anthony's gone. Practice is always from 6-7pm and it's right when Elliott's good nature starts to wane. Will's team tried to spend time practicing in-bound plays and boxing out, but it was clear most of the boys were a bit stir-crazy that night because eventually the coach called it quits and had them practice controlling the ball as they dribbled around the court over and over.

January 19
I made a chicken-broccoli casserole for dinner Thursday night. It was a bit bland. When I prepare a bland dinner Anthony will put a dash of Slap Yo' Momma seasoning on it. Will has started doing this too. Will added some to his dinner. After Will and I had finished eating and were checking the school lunch menu to see if it was his day to buy (he gets to buy one day each week) Elliott suddenly started crying. I ran over to the table and saw his plate COVERED in the spicy seasoning salt. Lauren thought Elliott would eat faster if he had the salt.

January 20
Another food picture. Friday night was our ward's Soup and Bread activity. I made a white chicken chili and rolls. My 3 favorite soups were French Onion, Olive Garden-inspired Zuppa Toscana and a corn chowder (not pictured). Will and Lauren only ate bread and ran around with other kids the entire time we were there.

January 21
At the Soup and Bread the missionaries asked me if there was anything they could help us with around the house this weekend. I said we could use help with our leaves since Anthony's broken finger has left him limited in what he should contribute. Elder Conley (wearing the Red Sox shirt Anthony gave him) and another missionary from the zone spent a few hours with us and helped us rake 15 bags of leaves. Elliott was keen to join in on the fun, and very possessive of a rake. It was a really big help and for days afterwards I felt excited when I walked on our leaf-free porch.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Good for you, for doing all that walking. I am just terrible at exercising in the winter, and you are right, I think it makes me a little depressed. And what a fun "bread and soup" ward activity! I definitely think we should try something like that. We don't have very many "family" ward activities -- we have primary ones, and adult ones, but one for the entire family is pretty rare.