Sunday, February 26, 2017

2017 :: week 7

February 12
I couldn't help but reflect on how fast my kids are growing up this Sunday. It was Elliott's first day in nursery (he did great!) and Will participated in an "8 is great!" program the primary presidency put on for the kids getting baptized in the next year. I notice little things my kids do that show they're growing up almost daily, but these bigger milestones force me to reflect on their growth. Thankfully my kids just get better with age, though I miss the baby snuggles a bit.

February 13
We joke that Elliott is going to start a janitorial empire someday. He loves to sweep and put stuff in the trash. The only problem is he often runs into people and things with the broom and he is not judicious about the items he puts in the trash.

February 14
Tuesday evening we went to a cool interactive science night at the library. The theme was "sweet science," and the facilitators set up fun demos where the kids learned about ph-levels, citric acid, conductivity and more. It was while we were here that I started to realize I really might be sick. I had had what I thought might be a head cold over the past few days. The weather had been all over the place and I often get headaches when this happens. But about ten minutes after we arrived I realized I had the chills and could barely stand up straight. As soon as we got home I took some nighttime cold medicine and went to bed.

February 15
When I woke up Wednesday morning I felt sicker than I have in ages. When Anthony asked me if he needed to work from home I didn't even hesitate before saying yes and going back to sleep. I knew I had a fever, my ears hurt and I could hardly stand to swallow. I took some medicine by it didn't seem to have much of an effect. I wanted to cry after swallowing the pills so I decided to take a look at my throat in the mirror using a flashlight. I then google image searched tonsillitis and strep throat. My throat looked worse than the pictures I saw, so I decided to make an appointment at the InstaCare because it was late enough in the day that I wouldn't be able to make an appointment with my primary doctor until Thursday. The doctor confirmed that my throat was looking pretty ugly and that I was legitimately sick. I got started on the antibiotics that night, but still felt pretty awful.

February 16
Thursday Anthony had to take over my household duties yet again. I was still feverish and struggling to stay hydrated. I woke up in the afternoon and felt like my fever had broken. I showered and then hung out on the couch for awhile while the kids watched Finding Dory on netflix. Lauren took this picture. I am so grateful that no one else in the family got sick during or after I did.

February 17
Our ward held its annual Family Valentine's Dance on Friday. I was so disappointed by the timing of my illness. I had to miss an awesome RS self defense activity and then couldn't get down at the dance. The kids had a great time, especially Lauren. She danced her little heart out.

February 18
Will played his best game of the season in his last game of the season. His team has one more game next Sunday, but he won't be playing in that. He got several rebounds, played great defense and was almost part of an awesome fast-break (if only the ball had gone in!).

2017 :: week 6

February 5
Next Sunday Elliott will be eligible for nursery! I took a picture to commemorate our last time in relief society together. We've had some good times, but I think we'll both enjoy church a little more once we have some time apart. I'm pretty optimistic that he'll do great, he does fine going to the child watch at the gym. I am looking forward to only having to keep him occupied during Sacrament meeting instead of keeping him happy and entertained for all three hours. It's not that he's bad, he's just loud and when he's bored he becomes difficult.

February 6
I caught this gorgeous sunset while I was out for my walk Monday evening. I look forward to these walks each day and am fairly confidant they are helping me beat the winter blues this year.

February 7
Don't let that cute face fool you. This girl is an Uno card shark. She is a fierce competitor and hates to lose. She plays her heart out until you tell her it's the final game, then she does her best to throw the game to keep it going as long as possible.

February 8
We said goodbye to Elder Conley Wednesday afternoon because he got transferred down south to the Olathe 1st ward. Several of our good friends are in that ward so we know he is in good hands. He is a great missionary and we enjoyed having him in our home several times over the past three months.

February 9
Thursday morning we met up with the Cooks and played at the open gym for awhile. Kenni is Lauren's best friend and they had fun trading their bike and scooter with each other. It was such a cold morning, it was nice to let the kids move around. I saw a lot of Emilee that day. She hosted book club that night and we discussed Book of Mormon Girl by Joanna Brooks.

February 10
The weather this winter has been all over the place. Thursday was freezing, Friday it felt like spring came early. I think it got up to about 67 degrees. Will and his buddy Knox played at the park for about an hour after school.

February 11
Saturday morning Tony had a church training meeting and had to miss Will's basketball game. After the game he met us at Toys 'R Us for a free lego build (mini bat car from the new Lego Batman movie). Then Tony took Will on his monthly date to Arby's for lunch. They noticed a store that sold sports cards nearby and went in and took a look. They come home with a box of over 500 football cards from 1990. Will is currently obsessed with football. He loves sorting the cards into the various teams and divisions, even though he hasn't ever heard of most of the players on the cards.

Friday, February 24, 2017

2017 :: week 4

January 22
If you come to our house during the winter you will never find Anthony very far from his beloved space heater. Elliott loves to push the buttons when he walks by and it is not on.

January 23
Monday was a gorgeous, warm day. Will and Stone have been playing basketball almost every weekday this month as long as it isn't raining. We opened up the garage and got out a bunch of the ride-on toys and several other neighborhood friends came over to play too. It was nice to get a respite from the winter weather for an afternoon.

January 24
Elliott's current favorite book is Animal Orchestra. It was once a favorite of Will's and it is funny how quickly the words come back as I am reading to him. My favorite part of reading this book to Elliott is how he puts his hands up over his head and yells when we read "Hip-HIPPO-ray!"

January 25
In preparation for the 100th day of school on Thursday, I glued 100 google-y eyes on a t-shirt and then Will drew a monster face around them. It is tradition for the first graders to affix 100 of something on a t-shirt and then parade through the school. Will was excited for the parade because it would be his first time going to the classrooms upstairs in the school.

January 26
I took Elliott (and Lauren) to a baby story time at the library. I don't usually do activities that are centered around what Elliott would enjoy so that was a fun change.

January 27
Lauren joined me for a trip to the grocery store and we had a very pleasant trip. 

January 28
Elliott is getting his incisors and he is not enjoying the process. He is very uncomfortable and not very fun to be around. This picture accurately sums up what he was like most of the weekend.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

2017 :: week 3

January 15
Church was cancelled due to what was foretasted to be a severe ice storm. The storm ended up not being as bad as they thought, but the roads were very icy in the morning. Around lunch time it started to rain which melted the ice. I was able to go for a walk in the early afternoon in my regular walking shoes just fine. We had a nice quiet day playing games, reading and relaxing.

January 16
Anthony was off work and the big kids were out of school for Martin Luther King Day Monday. I took Will and Lauren to the open gym time at 360 Gymnastics with Stephanie. It was still cold so it was good for the kids to run around and burn off some energy.

January 17
Anthony left for Alabama Tuesday morning for his first trip in 30 days. I got into the habit of walking a few miles every day during that time and wanted to keep it up as best I could. After school and snacks I forced the kids to walk with me. They were pretty good sports about it, it was pretty cold. I find that I am so much happier when I spend a few minutes outside each day.

January 18
Basketball practice is tough when Anthony's gone. Practice is always from 6-7pm and it's right when Elliott's good nature starts to wane. Will's team tried to spend time practicing in-bound plays and boxing out, but it was clear most of the boys were a bit stir-crazy that night because eventually the coach called it quits and had them practice controlling the ball as they dribbled around the court over and over.

January 19
I made a chicken-broccoli casserole for dinner Thursday night. It was a bit bland. When I prepare a bland dinner Anthony will put a dash of Slap Yo' Momma seasoning on it. Will has started doing this too. Will added some to his dinner. After Will and I had finished eating and were checking the school lunch menu to see if it was his day to buy (he gets to buy one day each week) Elliott suddenly started crying. I ran over to the table and saw his plate COVERED in the spicy seasoning salt. Lauren thought Elliott would eat faster if he had the salt.

January 20
Another food picture. Friday night was our ward's Soup and Bread activity. I made a white chicken chili and rolls. My 3 favorite soups were French Onion, Olive Garden-inspired Zuppa Toscana and a corn chowder (not pictured). Will and Lauren only ate bread and ran around with other kids the entire time we were there.

January 21
At the Soup and Bread the missionaries asked me if there was anything they could help us with around the house this weekend. I said we could use help with our leaves since Anthony's broken finger has left him limited in what he should contribute. Elder Conley (wearing the Red Sox shirt Anthony gave him) and another missionary from the zone spent a few hours with us and helped us rake 15 bags of leaves. Elliott was keen to join in on the fun, and very possessive of a rake. It was a really big help and for days afterwards I felt excited when I walked on our leaf-free porch.

2017 :: week 5

January 29

On Sunday we attended Stake Conference and our Stake Presidency was reorganized. President Priday was released and President Messner was called. President Priday was the bishop when my family moved to Overland Park in 1995 and has been a good family friend for years. Anthony's relationship with him deepened after being called as bishop 18 months ago. He's been a great leader, but we are looking forward to hearing more from Pres. Messner.

January 30
Melanie and Leah flew out for a quick visit before Leah turns 2 and has to pay for her own airline ticket. Lauren was excited to see her only girl cousin on the Crane side.

January 31
More cousin fun. Elliott and Leah had some issues sharing the slide at times.

February 1
Lauren really wanted to "do nails" with Melanie while she was in town. Melanie was a good aunt and let Lauren paint her nails for her, which Lauren was quite proud about.

February 2
Thursday Anthony worked from home because he had a PT appointment for his broken finger. I was able to walk Will to school without bringing the other kids. It was especially cold that day and Will told me his breathing "sounded like Darth Vader."

February 3
Friday the kids were home from school due to parent teacher conferences. I went up to the school for an hour to help serve lunch to the teachers as a gift from the PTA. In the afternoon Will and Lauren played at the Steiners. Soren and Will don't see quite as much of each other this year as they aren't in the same class, but they had a great afternoon of Star Wars Legos, checkers and hide-n-seek. Tabitha painted Lauren and Saffi's nails, ate cookies and played house.

February 4
We had another Saturday morning basketball game this week. Will's play has really improved over the course of the season. Will brought the ball down the court a few times and completed a few passes. His team is starting to really gel together. It's fun seeing him progress and develop new skills.