Sunday, October 2, 2016

constant vigilence

This post is mostly theraputic for me. I know that there are tons of kids out there who are much more difficult than Elliott and make much bigger messes, as well as parents that have survivied their childhoods. However, Elliott gets into more mischief and makes more messes than my other kids did, and is currently making my life more difficult than it has been in the past. His shenanigans need to be recorded. I tell myself he gets bored just sitting around and has an active and curious mind that wants to explore and experience new things. In the meantime I'm mopping my floor multiple times a week and have rearranged parts of my home to accomodate his explorations.


Meredith said...

So exhausting. I remember thinking I had my apartment child proof in Framingham and then I had a friend over and her son was curious and destructive in ways Wes had never come close to trying. Each kid is sooo different. And sometimes childproofing is annoying because it keeps your older kids from being as independent. Or you tell yourself it is a phase and you hold your breath that it will end soon. Derek and Nolan still randomly play in the toilet?! It is always so shocking when they do.

Susan said...

I have two words for you: child locks. Seriously. Alden is way more active than the girls ever were and we've had to baby proof more. But having locks on cabinets and doors is so worth it. The messes he makes are mostly just toys and books as opposed to food, cleaning supplies or make-up. So worth it imo - especially now that I'm nursing and he is on the lookout for new messes. I always make sure my bedroom, the bathroom and the pantry are locked before I sit down to nurse.