Monday, October 10, 2016

2016 :: week 41

October 2
We spent our Sunday watching General Conference. To help the kids pay attention we chose three words to have them listen for during the talks. Each time they heard one of their words they made a tally mark. During the songs they added up their tallies and got a some skittles. I really enjoyed listening to the talks and ended the day feeling very uplifted. We invited people from our ward over for dessert that evening to enjoy the gorgeous weather.

October 3
Monday we celebrated my Dad's birthday with cake and ice cream. Will and Lauren are always willing to help blow out candles. I never thought I'd end up living so close to my parents while raising my family, but it is pretty awesome.
October 4
When we visited Utah this spring Aunt Carly made the kids "black-eyed bananas" for snack one day. Will and Lauren request them daily.

October 5
Will and Lauren went to mutual with Anthony and did yoga with the YW on Wednesday night. Lauren was introduced to yoga last year in her preschool class and really likes it. Our friend Becky White teaches free yoga classes at the church on Saturday mornings and Wednesday evenings. I've gone a few times and learned a lot. I love stretching. I can't believe I spent so much of my life resisting stretching out.

October 6
I spent a lot of time this week getting ready for our RS activity. It was a GNO-Ghoul's Night Out--with lots of opportunity to talk and eat treats. We had a few service projects to choose from and a craft. I coordinated the gathering of supplies and treats as well as the set up and take down. The hard work paid off! We had our most successful night of the year with over 30 people coming! As with any calling there are ups and downs, but I have had a lot of downs this year so it was very satisfying to have this go so well. The only downside was book club was the same night so I had to go late.

October 7
Elliott has taken a few steps here and there over the past week, but Friday he started walking! He took steps several times over the course of the day. I wouldn't say he is full on walking--crawling is still a much faster mode of transportation at this point--but he is standing up and taking steps on his own. At just shy of 14 months he started walking a few weeks older than Will and younger than Lauren.

October 8
Big week for Elliott. He also rode a pony for the first time. After a busy morning of chores and trip preparations we went to the Sprint Family Fall Festival at the P&L District. We went a few years ago and had a lot of fun. This year wasn't quite as great. We watched the BYU-Michigan State game in the afternoon, then watched the Cook kids for our October babysitting exchange. It was a full, busy day.

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