Monday, October 31, 2016

2016 :: week 29

**I was going through my drafts folder and realized I never posted this. Better late than never!**

July 10
After church we went to the Independence Visitor's Center. It was a bit of an adventure with six kids six and under, none of whom where very excited about sitting and listening to a message about Christ by the Christus. They were pretty good, just excited to be out of the car after the 40 minute drive and not too interested in sitting still. I enjoyed singing "I am a Child of God" with the missionaries. It was a fun way to cap off our weekend with the Maxfields.

July 11
The last day of swimming lessons ended up being Monday (due to the cancellation of Thursday's class). They let all the kids jump off the diving board and I had been encouraging Lauren all weekend to try it. The teacher will catch you if you're feeling nervous. Lauren just jumped right off! I was so surprised. We went back later that day and she did it again and again!

July 12
I was feeling pretty sorry for myself when I took this picture. Anthony was in Alabama and the kids and I had had a rough day. Elliott was irritable due to the teething that will not end and Will was being pesky. It was hot and I was looking forward to going to the pool after Elliott's nap. Something spooked Lauren right as we arrived at the pool, I never was able to figure out what, and she started crying. I couldn't calm her down so we left without ever really getting to swim. It was Chick-fil-A's "Dress Like a Cow" day where if you dress like a cow you get a free entrĂ©e, but I wasn't sure I was up to braving the long lines with three ornery kids by myself. It ended up being a bit of a bust. Lauren spilled chocolate milk TWICE! But we got a free meal and I didn't have to cook so it was (just barely) worth it.

July 13
We decided to switch things up and play in the sprinkler for awhile Thursday afternoon. We had the sister missionaries coming over for dinner and I had a RS meeting right after that so it was nice to cut out the travel time, not that we have much living as close to the pool as we do. We are very spoiled. Elliott is so funny, he doesn't really like the way grass feels. He always does this funny twitch when I first set him down.

July 14
T-ball practice for Will. The season is winding down and I can't say I mind too much. His team practices about 20 minutes away in Olathe and Anthony is never home before we have to leave so I have to bring all three kids with me. Will is loving it, which makes it worth it though. Of course, this night Anthony was home so I was able to bring a book. I finished reading the book club book The Game. I liked the book much more than I expected. It really made me think. This book is also notable for me because it is the first book I read from start to finish on the Kindle.

July 15
Anthony and I saw Beauty and the Beast at Starlight Friday evening. It was a gorgeous night! It was fun spending time together after a long week. We've gotten better about planning dates this year.

July 16
We had a busy Saturday morning. Will had a double-header t-ball game, his last two of the season. After his games we booked it over to the church for the Primary Activity Day. It was a "Scripture Hero" Olympics. Anthony dressed up as David and after sharing a message with the kids they used spatulas to hit large marshmallows at a giant cutout Goliath.

halloweekend 2016

Is it just me or are holidays getting bigger? Halloween is a minor holiday, right? You dress up, carve a pumpkin, eat candy and maybe watch a scary movie or two. I feel like we've gone from one Halloween-related even to the next this past week. I'm not pointing fingers or blaming anyone else for something that I whole-heartedly participate in. I appreciate the time and efforts that people made to plan and execute these activities. I'm just in awe that I have so many pictures and so many events to cover "Halloween."

OP-C Trunk or Treat

Halloween started early this year with the elementary school trunk or treat Thursday night. I didn't really enjoy it as Anthony was out of town and it was the end of a long, stressful week. But the kids had fun. I do have lots of suggestions of how they can improve things next year, though me going in with a better mood will probably make the biggest difference. My friend Tabitha and her husband helped me supervise my kids while they trick-or-treated and we took turns passing out candy.

mermaid, frog and Frankenstein

half day friends

we love the Steiners

first grade friends

Frankenstein Lego Build at Toy's R Us

Ward Trunk or Treat

Saturday night was our ward trunk or treat. It started off with a little carnival inside the (extremely warm) gym. There was a cup cake walk, bean bag toss, fishing pond and more. Lauren was excited to get her face painted. After the games there was a costume parade. Since Jill and Jake were in town they came too.

the black frosting made Frankenstein's mouth look extra creepy

Jill and Jake were in town for a wedding open house!

 Hermione Granger--the brightest witch of her age

 Rent-a-cop? Hot Cop? Bad Cop? 1/4 of the Village People?

 Emsley, Ruth, Michael, Jack, Kenni, Will

The kids spent all day Sunday asking for pieces of their candy. By this point I was already Halloweened out and the day had yet to begin.


The morning child watch attendant at TRCC (Huberdine) does such a good job. She organized a parade for the kids to wear their costumes and walk through the fitness equipment. It was pretty cute. Talk about herding cats. Lauren opted to be Cinderella for this outing. If you're keeping track that's her third costume of the season. She's a real Halloween chameleon.

One of the kids (I think Will) left his candy bag on the coffee table before he left for school. Elliott found it and was very pleased with himself as he pulled piece after piece out of the bag. He didn't open anything or put any of the pieces in his mouth, but he had watched his older siblings count and sort their candy over the weekend, so he knew it was good stuff.

School Festivities

Will and Lauren had school festivities at the exact same time. I couldn't go to both and had committed to helping with Will's party first so Elliott and I went there. Lauren and I made cookies for her Halloween party before school. We made sugar cookies but opted to press a few sprinkles into them as opposed to frosting them. Too much sugar!

 Hi, Mom!

Will's school had a no face paint policy for costume so Will wore the Frankenstein headband he got at the Lego Build Saturday.

Her school had a carnival in the gym and she got cat whisker face paint.

Trick or Treating

The Cooks joined us and we trick-or-treated around our neighborhood. Kellan joined us too. We got quite a haul. It is always hard to anticipate how many trick-or-treaters we will get each year. It seemed like our neighborhood was pretty busy. We've lived in our neighborhood five years now and I enjoy that we know so many more of our neighbors than we did when we first moved in.

It was warm--75 degrees! Elliott ditched the frog suit and decided to be Mowgli from the Jungle Book.


Way too much candy! Will had a pile equally as big as Lauren's.

The next night while we were reading scriptures Will's tooth fell out. It had been lose for awhile, and though it could be coincidental, he did eat a lot of sticky candy than could have lead to it finally falling coming out.

halloweekend 2016

Is it just me or are holidays getting bigger? Halloween is a minor holiday, right? You dress up, carve a pumpkin, eat candy and maybe watch a scary movie or two. I feel like we've gone from one Halloween-related event to the next this past week. I'm not pointing fingers or blaming anyone else for something that I whole-heartedly participate in. I appreciate the time and efforts that people make to plan and execute these activities. I'm just in awe that I have so many pictures and so many events to cover "Halloween."

OP-C Trunk or Treat

Halloween started early this year with the elementary school trunk or treat Thursday night. I didn't really enjoy it as Anthony was out of town and it was the end of a long, stressful week. But the kids had fun. I do have lots of suggestions for how they can improve things next year, though me going in with a better mood will probably make the biggest difference. My friend Tabitha and her husband helped me supervise my kids while they trick-or-treated and we took turns passing out candy.

mermaid, frog and Frankenstein

half day friends

we love the Steiners

first grade friends

Frankenstein Lego Build at Toy's R Us

Ward Trunk or Treat

Saturday night was our ward trunk or treat. It started off with a little carnival inside the (extremely warm) gym. There was a cup cake walk, bean bag toss, fishing pond and more. Lauren was excited to get her face painted. After the games there was a costume parade. Since Jill and Jake were in town they came too.

the black frosting made Frankenstein's mouth look extra creepy

 Hermione Granger--the brightest witch of her age

 Rent-a-cop? Hot Cop? Bad Cop? 1/4 of the Village People?

 Emsley, Ruth, Michael, Jack, Kenni, Will

The kids spent all day Sunday asking for pieces of their candy. By this point I was already Halloweened out and the day had yet to begin.


The lady that does the morning child watch at TRCC does such a good job. She organized a parade for the kids to wear their costumes and walk through the fitness equipment. It was pretty cute. Talk about herding cats. Lauren opted to be Cinderella for this outing. If you're keeping track that's her third costume of the season. She's a real Halloween chameleon.

One of the kids (I think Will) left his candy bag on the coffee table before he left for school. Elliott found it and was very pleased with himself as he pulled piece after piece out of the bag. He didn't open anything or put any of the pieces in his mouth, but he had watched his older siblings count and sort their candy over the weekend, so he knew it was good stuff.

School Festivities

Will and Lauren had school festivities at the exact same time. I couldn't go to both and had committed to helping with Will's party first so Elliott and I went there. Lauren and I made cookies for her Halloween party before school. We made sugar cookies but opted to press a few sprinkles into them as opposed to frosting them. Too much sugar!

 Hi, Mom!

Will's school had a no face paint policy for costume so Will wore the Frankenstein headband he got at the Lego Build Saturday.

Her school had a carnival in the gym and she got cat whisker face paint.

Trick or Treating

The Cooks joined us and we trick-or-treated around our neighborhood. Kellan joined us too. We got quite a haul. It is always hard to anticipate how many trick-or-treaters we will get each year. It seemed like our neighborhood was pretty busy. We've lived in our neighborhood five years now and I enjoy that we know so many more of our neighbors than we did when we first moved in.

It was warm--75 degrees! Elliott ditched the frog suit and decided to be Mowgli from the Jungle Book.