Sunday, May 22, 2016

2016 :: week 21

May 15
Lauren no longer needs Pull-Ups at night! She earned a set of zoo Legos for this feat and has spent several hours playing with them this week. Lauren and Will worked together to build a pretty impressive zoo.

May 16
The Red Sox are in town and we had planned on going to the game Monday night with our friends the Cooks. Unfortunately it rained all day and the game was postponed. Even though I was really looking forward to going to the game, I was pretty relieved when it was moved to Wednesday. Will sobbed. Emilee invited us over for dessert to soften the blow.

May 17
What was I thinking?! When Lauren said she wanted to take her scooter on our evening walk I obliged and even thought it might make her go faster. I was so very wrong. She pretended it was a puppy and needed to stop every driveway or two and "scratch her," "get her water," or "let her rest."

May 18
Leo's mom Tori invited the half day friends and their families over for an ice cream party Wednesday afternoon. In addition to the ice cream the kids played with bubbles, chalk, water guns and pogo sticks. Weekly playdates with the half day friends were an unexpected highlight of Will's first year of elementary school. I feel like I have become pretty good friends with the other half day moms, not to mention the fact that Will (and Lauren) have made a lot of great friends. Will is wearing his Royal's shirt because he and Anthony went to the Red Sox-Royals game that night.

May 19
Thursday was Lauren's last day of preschool. Her teacher Miss Emilee is amazing. I cannot say enough good things about her. Lauren has really thrived in her class this year. Her favorite parts of school were singing and reading books during group time. Lauren would recite some of the books to me and I could tell she was parroting the way Miss Emilee read it to the class.

May 20
Lauren has been asking me to play with her a lot lately, and I realized that I don't much time actually playing with her. Lauren has assigned each animal a Star Wars character and we played Attack of the Clones, her current favorite movie.

May 21
The Exotic Petting Zoo at the Turkey Creek Festival was the highlight of our Saturday. This camel was in the shade and also the most willing to eat the food the kids offered it, so we spent quite awhile with him.

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