May 8 |
I didn't get a very good "Mother's Day" picture this year. Anthony had to be at church before us (though his regular meetings were cancelled) and we weren't ready to get one before, then by the time he got home that evening it was raining. I love being a mom to Will, Lauren and Elliott. I am constantly in awe that they are mine and that it is my responsibility to teach them and empower them to have a happy life.
May 9 |
Anthony spent the first part of the week in Atlanta. He requested a compact car when he booked his rental, but when he got there to pick it up all they had were BMWs. Sometimes life is hard.
May 10 |
Half day playdate at South Lake Park. We had our first half day playdate at this park back in August. I remember being frustrated that Will wouldn't really do much on his own--he wanted me to help him climb and was shy around the other kids. He is so much more independent now! He was climbing all over the place and has become good friends with the other kids.
May 11 |
Elliott is starting to push up to his hands and knees. Sometimes he planks and sometimes he pushes back, but he rarely moves forward. I feel like he's so much older when he's up like this!
May 12 |
The OP-C Kindergarten classes were scheduled to take a Field Trip to the Deanna Rose Farmstead on Wednesday. Unfortunately there was a really bad thunderstorm that morning and it was postponed. Being that it's so close to the end of the school year they had to reschedule fast, and fast they did! They went the next day. Elliott and I met Will and some friends at the farmstead and spent a few hours walking around together. Will loves being a part of his class. He has made some great friends this year and it was fun seeing how he interacts with them.
May 13 |
Kickball. Will started playing kickball at recess and now he's got kickball on the brain. All. The. Time. I spent close to an hour playing with him Friday afternoon. Then Tony played with him again before bed. For the past week, when I pick Will up from school one of the first things he tells me is how the kickball game went at recess. I'm starting to think these kids don't play much defense because he regularly "kicks homeruns."
May 14 |
I spent a fair amount of time Saturday afternoon paining in our dining room. This is the never-ending project. Not because it is so difficult, but because we only work on it in short spurts. With just paining the trim and window and removing the wall paper the room is already so much brighter.
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