Sunday, May 15, 2016

2016 :: week 19

May 1
Sunday evening the kids worked at the table while I made muffins. Will used his perler beads to make a map of the United States and Lauren worked on her letters.

May 2
For FHE we played Monopoly Junior. That game involves a lot of luck and luck was on my side that night. Unfortunately, Lauren seemed to land on one of my many properties every other turn. At least she was a good sport about it. Lauren is dramatic and a lot of fun.

May 3
When Anthony came back from Gettysburg he wasn't feeling great. We just chalked it up to being tired and him catching the cold/cough combo I had. But then he woke up Tuesday morning with conjunctivitis in both eyes. He worked from home and went to the doctor for the first time in years. Turns out he also had an ear infection.

May 4
These are the "storm troopers" lined up to battle. I never paid much attention to Star Wars growing up. In fact, I sort of turned up my nose at it. It wasn't until this winter that I actually watched an entire movie. Now I have seen all 7.  My kids are huge fans and much of their play is inspired by the movies. I'm glad both Will and Lauren enjoy it and that they are using their imaginations to create alternate-Star Wars universes together.

May 5
Thursday was early dismissal, which is silly when Will only goes half a day to begin with. His teacher said he was welcome to stay "all day" (until 12:30) if he wanted to so he did. His class had a parent appreciation program and immediately after the kids went to lunch. Will was SO excited to stay and eat lunch in the cafeteria. I love that simple things bring him such joy.

May 6
Friday the kids were off school, but somehow up and ready to go before we usually wake up on a normal school day! We went strawberry picking, met some friends at the park for lunch, then relaxed at home for a bit. That night Anthony and I attended the tri-stake 16-and-up "Mormon Prom" together. We had a good time, it was fun spending a little time together without the kids. The moment where I felt the most old was when a High School Musical 2 song came on (which many of the kids knew by heart and sang also) and a girl mentioned that HSM2 was so old,  from "like, 2nd grade or something."

May 7
Our good friends the Hoopes are moving in a few weeks. They reserved a fire pit at Shawnee Mission Park and invited friends to come roast hotdogs and marshmallows with them before the craziness of moving begins. The pit they rented was close to the lake and the kids were drawn to water/dock. Of course both of our kids ended up getting too close, falling in and getting soaked. They fell in on the shoreline, not off the dock. We are really going to miss the Hoopes.


Tina said...

I love the StarWars-themed play that they do! Who knew that introducing your kids to Star Wars would introduce an entire new line of creative playing?!! How fun.

Susan said...

Great pic of you two at Mormon Prom!