April 24 |
These kids love to play with animals. They have their own little animal universe and game that they play daily. Apparently the zoo animals are the favorites. Lauren tries to hoard them.
April 25 |
Aunt Meredith made us some green smoothies when we visited them in MN and we decided to make some again for our FHE treat Monday night.
April 26 |
I was talking on the phone to Anthony before getting in bed Tuesday night (he was in Gettysburg, PA, for a few days for work) when all of the sudden it sounded like someone was banging on our front door. It was hail! The hail only lasted for about 5 minutes, but it was enough to knock all the blossoms off our azaleas. Sad.
April 27 |
Anthony was originally scheduled to be in Gettysburg through Thursday. He was able to move some stuff around and come home Wednesday night. Unfortunately, the flight he was on got delayed several times and he didn't make it to our house until after 1am. I put my phone on 'Do Not Disturb' when I go to bed so I wanted to check his progress before I went to sleep.
April 28 |
The reason we were especially excited to have Anthony home a day early is because Thursday was Take Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day. Anthony and the kids caught the bus at the mall and rode downtown to Dad's work. They toured the building, ate lunch in the cafeteria, watched
The Good Dinosaur and had an all around good time. I slept while Elliott did in the morning (I rarely take naps these days) because I have not been feeling a bit under the weather. I've had a terrible cough/cold that I just can't seem to kick. Elliott was bored. Sure, he liked having some extra alone time with me, but he about killed himself twisting in my arms and lunging towards Will and Lauren's bedroom every time we walked past. He knows who the interesting people in the family are.
April 29 |
We spent a rainy Friday night at the OP-C Carnival. Our kids still have pretty low expectations, so it didn't take much for them to have a great time. Will had fun running in to several classmates. There is just something fun about seeing your friends out of context.
April 30 |
We attended a baptism Saturday night that for a variety of reasons, ended up starting almost an hour late. While we waited the kids played primary in the primary room. I remember doing that when I was in the church "after hours" with my parents. Lauren was leading the music and Will was giving a talk. At the same time.
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