October 26 |
Sunday evening while we watched the baseball game I cut out these Royals paper dolls for Will. There has been one in the newspaper every few days during the postseason. They are a bit of a pain to cut out, so I'm glad Will really enjoys playing with them. I loved paper dolls when I was young and it's fun to see him enjoy them too.
October 27 |
Monday I took things slow. The kids haven't been sleeping well over the past few weeks, which means I haven't been sleeping well. I had placed a hold on a book a while back and it finally came in about three weeks ago. I hadn't read a page until the day before it was due. We've been watching a lot of baseball, and it has really cut into my reading time in the evening. I ended up spending most of the day reading and was able to finish the book and turn it in on time Tuesday night.
October 28 |
Tuesday evening we got booed! The kids were
thrilled to get a bag full of Halloween candy and kitsch--rings, bugs, skeleton hands, spider rings and snakes.
October 29 |
Here we are watching the game 7 of the world series. I had really hoped to post a picture of us celebrating a KC victory, but not this year. Will acts out what is going on in the game while he watches. Specifically, he likes to act out what his favorite players are doing over and over. He did Salvador Perez getting hit in the knee by a pitch several times.
October 30 |
We've been working in the yard trying to get it ready for winter. I worked on weeding for awhile Thursday afternoon and the kids played in the yard. When Anthony was done with joined us. The cat in this picture is the neighborhood cat, Max. We're not sure who he belongs to, except that he did have an owner at one point because he wears a collar that says "MAX." Our next door neighbor has a few cats and feeds him occasionally, but he does not belong to her. He likes to relieve himself in our yard and he really wants to come in our house. This frightens Lauren to no end. He's very friendly, and likes to rub against your legs if you let him (which is also very frightening to Lauren (and Will)). Too bad I'm allergic to cats.
October 31 |
Happy Halloween! We went to Chipotle and had their $3 burritos for dinner. Then we trick-or-treated to my parents house. Anthony and I haven't dressed up for Halloween in awhile, but our friends the Sanners had a post-trick-or-treating Halloween Party and invited us to come in costume. Anthony is a dog, Lauren is an elephant princess, Will is Sluggerrrr and I am a witch.
November 1 |
Wow is it cold! The weather app on my phone said it was 39 degrees this morning while Anthony mowed the lawn. The kids wanted to play outside too and were a bit hesitant to put on their jackets, hats and gloves. Once they got outside they were glad to be wearing them.
We normally don't dress up either but the kids were disappointed that I didn't. Maybe next year... I do think I'll decorate our trunk for trunk or treat. They gave away gift cards to the winners and the bar was set really low. Wouldn't take much to win that gift card... Anyways, totally rambling on your blog. :) Sorry about the Royals but glad you still had a Happy Halloween!
I'm so proud of you turning in your book on time! ;) Where will the library get it's yearly quota/late fee funds??
Elephant Princess- awesome! Where did she get that? I really wish we could have watched the world series with Will and you guys.
It really has been cold. At least Lauren looks adorable all bundled up!
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