I am not a huge fan of winter and snow. Cold and wet get me down I guess. But it hasn't always been that way! I've been trying to figure out what has put me so squarely in the anti-cold camp. My family lived in North Dakota for three years, so my tween winters (at ages 9, 10 and 11) were cold, long and full of snow. I have a lot of fun memories of playing out in the cold and snow during that time. And in Kansas too, after we moved here, though there was never as much snow. In fact, after we moved here I probably looked forward to snow more than ever before because a lot of snow could mean a snow day. That's probably it. When I was younger snow got me out of doing stuff I didn't want to be doing and gave me an excuse to lounge. Now that I'm a stay-at-home-mom and pretty much do that everyday (haha) I feel restricted by the snow and cold. When it isn't keeping me from getting out it is making the process of getting out a lot more time consuming.
After our last snowstorm I was contemplating how much I used to enjoy sledding and decided that we needed to take Will and Lauren out after work one day.
We trekked to our beloved park because I had seen kids sledding there a few day prior.
Will did a great job of carrying dragging the flying saucer all by himself.
The "hills" weren't nearly as steep as I had thought, but we were still able to get a little bit of speed.
I know, it looks like we are cross-country sledding.
After a trip down with his parents, Will decided he could tackle the hill on his own.
He was quite pleased with himself.
Lauren loved it! She would count "1-2-3-go!" and then before the sled had come to a stop she was already calling to go, "Again! Again!"
It was a fun afternoon. I had forgotten that I like the feeling of having flushed cheeks. Maybe my negativity towards winter can thaw a bit after all?
1 comment:
Very cute pictures! Looks like a fun time!
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