February 16 |
Sunday afternoon I had a lot going on. Visiting teaching, training with the Stake RS, and then a committee meeting. When I was done I walked into the TV room and found Will and TJ resting on the couch. Don't let the picture fool you--Will was awake. He wore Anthony out playing some of his favorite games--Spot It, Let's Go Fishing and Memory.
February 17 |
Will spent four nights sleeping on his mattress in the office while we painted his room. I had hoped it would only be three, but was still pretty pleased with how fast we got things done.
February 18 |
Tuesday evening was our Relief Society monthly meeting. Anthony came and helped with childcare. If you look closely at the Cultural Hall floor in the picture you can see where the floor is bowed. Back in January some of the pipes burst which led to flooding in parts of the building. The chairs are over the bump to keep people from tripping over it, though I still did at least once.
February 19 |
Wednesday after preschool we did our mega grocery trip hitting up Aldi, Hy-Vee and Costco. Will was upset because I wouldn't let him take rocks home with us "for his collection." The rest of the day he would randomly bring up how sad he was because he missed his rocks.
February 20 |
Thursday night as I was putting the kids to bed they both claimed to be "very hungry," despite both eating a pretty good dinner. While we read scriptures I let them each eat a piece of bread.
February 21 |
Our kids really love music. Here they are rocking out to a Elton John song, played by TJ (not pictured).
February 22 |
Saturday afternoon our friends the Porters invited us to join them at Jumping Jax for a few hours. In between all the bouncing, Will really enjoyed shooting hoops. His shooting is really starting to improve. It is worth noting that he came home and slept for almost THREE hours. This is the first nap he's taken in the past 6 months when he wasn't sick. It was awesome.
I want to see some pictures of the room, after you are finished painting!
I love Will's fist in the air in the office picture. It is going to be so awesome to live closer to you guys...once I have my life under control.
You guys keep doing all these house projects but never post pictures. It's time.
I love it. I miss you guys!
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