The kids had a blast. They climbed and bounced and slid in a wide variety of forms.
Even Anthony got in on the action!
The drinking fountain was an unexpected highlight for both kids.
Will rocked the zipline with a little help from Anthony.
We had a fun evening and I think the fact that Will "earned" the trip made it extra rewarding. He was pleased with himself for earning the outing, and we were pleased because he really is working hard to earn it. He hates wearing an eye-patch with a hatred that just seems to grow. But he still wears it every day with the only daily reward being a star on his chart.
Will's face in the last picture is priceless.
Good for Will for sticking with the patch!
I'm so proud of Will for earning his fun outings! And I'm with Laura-- he looks like he is in pure bliss on that zip line. It made me smile so big!
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