Saturday, February 8, 2014

2014 :: week 6

February 2

Anthony has meetings before church so we drive separate cars to church most weeks. The kids love looking for Dad when we drive home. Don't worry, I took this picture at a stoplight.

February 3
Target has some workbooks in their Dollar Spot right now and we picked out several to keep Will entertained in the afternoon. He loves doing "worker books," but he gets so frustrated with himself when he makes mistakes. I keep telling him that you have to practice to get things right, but that just doesn't make him feel better.

February 4

Tuesday was a snowy, cold day. School was cancelled and it snowed all day long. After dinner we made no-bake cookies, or monkey poo as Anthony called it on his mission.

February 5

By Wednesday night I was starting to feel a bit stir-crazy. It was too cold and snowy to do much of anything and many things around town were cancelled. Luckily our library's family story time proceeded as scheduled.

February 6
We traded babysitting with our friends this week. I found it very amusing that the two 4 year old boys were so captivated by the 8 year old playing video games.

February 7
Will likes to take pictures of himself while he was "wearing" his patch. He's supposed to have his entire eye covered, but when we aren't paying attention he likes to loosen it up a bit. Unfortunately for him he took this incriminating selfie so now we are watching him extra close.

February 8
We've noticed these 4 birds (2 cardinals and 2 bluejays) perched on one of the trees in our back yard several times this weeks. Their bright colors catch our eyes against the gray skies and white snow-covered roofs. This picture does not do their beauty justice.

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