Saturday, July 20, 2013

berry picking

At the recommendation of my friend Lauren, we finally got around to checking out The Berry Patch Friday night. I made the mistake of telling Will about the possibility of going Thursday as he was getting ready for bed and it was all we talked about Friday. All. Day. Long. I should have checked to make sure it wasn't going to be in the high 90's and extremely humid before mentioning anything to him. He's got a great memory.

Because of the muggy conditions, we didn't head down until 7pm. The patches are located a few miles south of the city and are really picturesque. My cell phone photos just don't do it justice.

Anthony and Will were very serious.

Lauren picked lots of berries that weren't yet ripe.

Will scoured the bushes for the biggest berries he could find. He did a pretty good job and did find the largest berries any of us picked. One of the games Will has been playing outside a lot this summer is "berry picking." He picks buds or leaves off trees and calls them berries and brings them to me to "eat." He was very excited to pick berries for real.

Lauren spent the entire time eating. It was almost as if she decided to bring Blueberries for Sal to life. Although her berries usually didn't make it into the bucket first. She ate berries straight from bushes and berries from the ground. Her hand got stuck in the proverbial cookie jar (Will's bucket) more than once. She ate berries that were fully ripe and berries that were not. She probably ate some dirt too.

Despite the heat, it was a gorgeous evening. I hope we can make time for a return trip before the berry picking season is over.


Susan said...

Fun evening. Hope the blueberry came out of Lauren's shirt!

Meredith said...

Wes looks so much like Will sometimes. The picture of Will holding the bucket up to the camera looks just like Weston!

Emily said...

Sounds like a ton of fun! Love the pic of Will holding up his bucket proudly as well as Lojo's berry-smeared face. Very cute!

Lauren said...

Glad you guys had fun!