Sunday, July 21, 2013

2013 :: week 29

Sunday evening we spent a few minutes out front after dinner. The kids like to watch the cars, people and animals that pass by.

Monday afternoon we went to the pool. We saw some kids that go to church with us, and they were kind enough to include Will in a game of catch during the adult swim. Will was so, so pleased.

This week may have been the hottest of the summer yet. We spent a lot of time at the pool and Tuesday was no exception. Lauren really likes to ride on my back and is constantly climbing on me whenever we're both in the water.

We took the kids to the mall Wednesday evening. I had planned on taking the kids to Deanna Rose, but I misread the hours and we didn't end up going. Will did not take the change of plans well, so riding the carousel at the mall was the next best thing.

When Will wears his patch he gets a treat, usually a popsicle. Lauren likes to join in too.

Friday afternoon we went to a nearby elementary school for lunch. Lauren really liked the oranges they served. She even ate some of the peel.

Our comforter is just barely too small for our washing machine. Saturday afternoon I headed to the neighborhood Suds 'N Duds for an hour to give it a good washing. I had been putting if off for a few weeks because it seemed so inconvenint. But once I was there I loaded the machine and then had half an hour to read by myself. Why did I wait so long?


Susan said...

Love Lauren's dress in the first pictures. Yay for clean comforters (and kid-free time to read)!

Mitzi said...

I love that Lauren's climbing on you. Cute girl!

Carly said...

As our kids get older they look even less alike. Those white blonde eyebrows are amazing!

beks27 said...

Your kids are so cute and I love their white blonde hair. Are you still in Kansas City?