Saturday, July 13, 2013

2013 :: week 28

Lauren loves to "help." She's quite possessive of the dustpan. She gets quite upset if she spies me sweeping and I try to use the dustpan myself.

I know I'm probably the last person to this party, but I listened to an audiobook for the first time this week. In the past I've limited my use of audiobooks to the roadtrips, but this week I listened to a book while working our photo album and other housekeeping.

Lauren's hair is always getting in her face and so we tried out a new hairstyle Tuesday. Her hair is getting quite long in the back, but the hair on the side isn't growing quiiite as fast.

On Wednesday we went to a Paul Messner puppet show sponsored by Olathe Library. I wasn't sure how the kids would do, but Will absolutely LOVED it. He laughed hysterically at the parts that were supposed to be funny. It was quite over the top. Other kids were enjoying his sideshow. Apparently all the laughing wore him out, because he fell asleep on the way home. It was a hot day and I attempted to relocate him to the couch, but he woke up in the process. I should have learned my lesson now.

Thursday we made a multi-store shopping trip. Costco was our first stop and even that was too much for Will. He told me wanted to take a nap in the cart and tried to get comfortable.

Friday afternoon we took advantage of chik-fil-a's dress like a cow customer appreciation and got some free lunch. Will really liked the dressing up like a cow. 

Saturday we got our grill on. We had the missionaries over for dinner and grilled hot dogs, brats and chicken.


Mitzi said...

I love that Will is curled up in that shopping cart. Sometimes I feel like doing the same thing.:)

Nikki said...

I like Lauren's hairdo! Great documentation of your days!