Sunday, July 28, 2013

2013 :: week 30

Sunday is often a day of video chatting family. Sunday night I talked to my sisters Jill and Emily (pictured here). Lauren gets so excited when she hears the ringing of a google hangout call and yells out "Papa! Papa!"

Monday evening my sister Laura and I took the kids to the fountain in Downtown OP.  Will kept asking when we could leave, but Lauren had the time of her life. She loves water.

Part of our new shopping-at-HyVee routine is stopping to observe the lobsters. Thanks to wonder of modern transportation, even those of us residing in the most landlocked of states can enjoy fresh lobster.

Wednesday the kids went to the child care at the gym while I worked out. After we went to the play place for awhile. I let the kids stay longer than I had planned because I was feeling guilty about leaving them the next day.

Thursday I flew to DC to join Anthony on one of his work trips (he left Monday). The stars aligned and I got to visit my friend and former roommate, Nikki and her brand new baby boy, Ethan. Ethan was born Monday, same as Prince George. Even though she had been home from the hospital for less than 24 hours she was gracious enough to have me over for a few hours AND feed me lunch. Plus her husband ferried me to and from the Metro station and waited while I backtracked after missing my stop. Thanks for your hospitality, Nikki and Dave!

 Friday evening we enjoyed a Nationals Game with the Johns. It was a great night! The weather was perfect and it felt good to sit after all the walking we were doing in DC.

Saturday evening we arrive in Kansas City at dusk. As much fun as I had with Anthony and the Johns in DC, I missed my kids and was happy to see my home.

1 comment:

The Cunninghams said...

I'm glad you had fun and that you got back safely! You'll have to tell me how it went with both of you being away.