Monday, July 29, 2013


At the end of last week I flew to DC to spend a few days visiting with Anthony and some of the Johns. Anthony has been traveling a lot this summer (primarily to DC) and I've spent many days parenting alone. I figured I had earned a little break and decided to tag along at the tail end of one of his trips. Anthony's parents and sister Alicia and brother-in-law Bryce were also planning on taking a weekend trip to DC this summer, so we coordinated schedules and got to do a lot of exploring together.

Thursday morning I caught an early flight and arrived in DC around noon. Anthony was delivering training during the day, so I was on my own for a few hours. The stars aligned and I had just the perfect amount of time to visit with my good friend and former rooommate, Nikki. She had just arrived home from the hospital with 3 day old Ethan, and I got to meet and snuggle with him while we chatted for a bit.

After our visit I met up with TJ, took a quick nap, then set out to enjoy the city. We couldn't have asked for more pleasant July weather. It was unseasonably cool with a slight breeze. We were a bit concerned it might rain on us, but we didn't see rain until the hour we left for the airport Saturday afternoon.

After a delicious meal we changed into exercise clothes and set off to walk the monuments.

First stop: White House.

TJ in the front

 Me in the back

Then we made our way past the Washington Monument. 

It is currently undergoing repair for the damage it sustained during a 2011 earthquake. The scaffolding around the monument lights up at night and it actually quite pretty, considering.

Next up: WWII Memorial

This monument was probably my favorite. Nestled in between the Washington and Lincoln monuments it has great views on all sides. 

  Of course I had to get my picture with the Kansas pillar.

We were there at sunset and watched the sun go down behind the Washington Monument.

 Third stop: Lincoln Monument


Our time in DC coincided with the National Boy Scout Jamboree, so the place was teeming with scouts and their leaders.  Despite the crowds we really enjoyed our time visiting the monument and reading about the monument's history and a few of Lincoln's powerful addresses in the Visitor's Center below. The next day we found out the Lincoln statue had been vandalized just a few hours after we were there.

Continuing our walk: Koren War, Martin Luther King Jr., and FDR Memorials

We didn't get to see much of the Korean War Memorial because it was gated off in what looked to be preparations for a concert. We found out later that Saturday was the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Korean War Armistice. We walked around but never found an opening, so we kept trucking along. It was getting dark at this point and we still had a few more stops to make.

I've never seen the MLK memorial before and it was quite pretty. The walls around the statue were inscribed with some of his words and I found several to be quite inspiring.

We continued walking around the Tidal Basin to the FDR monument.

Along with the beautiful landscaping there were several gorgeous waterfalls. The monument was also covered in quotes by the late president and his wife.

Last stop: Jefferson Memorial

By the time we got here we were pretty exhausted so we rested a bit while reading the quotes on the wall. It was here that I got a phone call from my sister informing me that the guy I saw walking along 17th Street was in fact her friend from high school. Small world.

At this point it was getting late and we had to book it to a metro stop before it closed for the night. DC shuts down surprisingly early. I ended the night a bit grumpy because I was hungry and there was no food to be found. Our hotel had no vending machines and all the CVS' in the area had closed. My only real option was room service, but with prices starting at $15 and an additional $4 delivery fee plus an 18% gratuity added on the sticker shock was too much. I went to bed hungry. I will never travel without a cache of granola bars again.

Friday morning we had breakfast and stopped at CVS where I picked up a box of Kudos. It's been YEARS since I had a Kudos bar. Pretty good.  We then met up with the Johns for a tour of the Capitol Building.

This photo was actually taken Saturday at the Newseum, but I didn't take a single picture at the Capitol

Anthony's great uncle is a former senator, and he and his wife obliged to give us a tour themselves, so we got to see a few extra areas not included in the typical tour. Cameras and photos were prohibited and we locked up our bags before we started. We got to ride on the Capitol subway system, walk into the balcony of the House Chambers and see their reception hall. We also got to walk onto the floor of the Senate and check out some of the rooms on that side of the capitol. They treated us to a delicious buffet lunch at a cafeteria on the complex (I can't remember the name). We had a great time and it was fun to see in person the rooms you sometimes see on C-SPAN.

Friday afternoon was spent studying Lincoln. We visited Ford's Theatre and Museum. The museum was focused primarily on Lincoln's presidency, the many commanders of the Union Army, and the men that conspired to kill him.

After the theatre we walked across the street to  Peterson House, which was where Lincoln was carried after he was shot and died the next day.

We had a few hours to fill before our evening plans, so we walked to the Air and Space Museum. We watched a movie about the Hubble Space Telescope and then explored a few exhibits.

It found the exhibit on the history of commercial flight to be quite interesting. I learned that I couldn't be a stewardess today if the standards of the 1960's still held.

Hopefully it's just because of my age (required to be between 20-26) and marital status (single, never married), not looks (just below Hollywood norm) or weight (must be under 130lbs.). I am a white female between 5'0" and 5'6", so at least I've got that.

That evening we headed to Nationals Field to catch a Nationals Game.

It was the second game of a double header, and unfortunately the player we had most wanted to see, Bryce Harper, was resting. He ended up pinch hitting once in the 8th inning.

 The game ended with a walk off homerun, which was pretty exciting to see.

Saturday morning we started by visiting the National Archives. Tina did her research and we got there at a perfect time to avoid long lines. It was pretty cool seeing the Declaration of Independence, Bill or Rights, Constitution and other sacred documents relating to the creation of the United States. We made some really cool Nicolas Cage impressions while we waited, a la National Treasure. 

We had heard great things about the Newseum, so we spent a few hours there. I could have spent an entire day there. It's one of the more expensive things we did, but we found it worth it. The Museum of National History is free, and we visited it when we visited in 2010, but this one was a lot more user friendly. We saw exhibits about the Berlin Wall, the History of the FBI, Kennedy Family Photos, the history of Pennsylvania Ave., Pulitzer Prize Winning Photos and the day JFK was shot. We didn't get to a quarter of what we would have liked to see.

 TJ hanging out with J. Edgar

The last stop of our journey was Mount Vernon. We crammed 6 people into a Ford Focus and drove out to Virginia. I had a great time touring the grounds and learning more about our first president.

 These beautiful blossoms were all over the estate.

 weekend traveling companions

The view of the Potomac from the mansion was beautiful. I can see why Washington wanted to come back.

It was fun to visit with Bryce and Alicia as we walked around. Alicia is 34 weeks pregnant and I was so impressed with how patient she was over the weekend. I wanted to complain about my feet/legs hurting, so I can only imagine how she felt.

I didn't realize that Washington had so many business ventures. I thought he was just a tobacco farmer, but he actually had quite a diverse portfolio.

We happened to be there during one of the twice daily wreathlaying ceremonies held the tomb each day. They put a wreath on Washington's tomb, had everyone say the Pledge of allegiance, and read Washington's Earnest Prayer. It has been awhile since I've said the Pledge and it was powerful to say it at Washington's grave.

After that we headed to the airport, said goodbye to the John's and DC and boarded our flight to Kansas. It was a jam-packed 60 hours. We had a great time. We couldn't have done it without the help of my parents and Laura, who graciously watched Will and Lauren for me so I could go. Many thanks also go to Tina and Doug for coordinating their schedule with ours and scheduling some of our tour times.

It was my first trip away from my kids, which I was pretty excited about until about two days before I actually left. Laura kept me supplied with pictures of the kids while I was gone. It was very reassuring to know that the kids were happy and in great hands.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

2013 :: week 30

Sunday is often a day of video chatting family. Sunday night I talked to my sisters Jill and Emily (pictured here). Lauren gets so excited when she hears the ringing of a google hangout call and yells out "Papa! Papa!"

Monday evening my sister Laura and I took the kids to the fountain in Downtown OP.  Will kept asking when we could leave, but Lauren had the time of her life. She loves water.

Part of our new shopping-at-HyVee routine is stopping to observe the lobsters. Thanks to wonder of modern transportation, even those of us residing in the most landlocked of states can enjoy fresh lobster.

Wednesday the kids went to the child care at the gym while I worked out. After we went to the play place for awhile. I let the kids stay longer than I had planned because I was feeling guilty about leaving them the next day.

Thursday I flew to DC to join Anthony on one of his work trips (he left Monday). The stars aligned and I got to visit my friend and former roommate, Nikki and her brand new baby boy, Ethan. Ethan was born Monday, same as Prince George. Even though she had been home from the hospital for less than 24 hours she was gracious enough to have me over for a few hours AND feed me lunch. Plus her husband ferried me to and from the Metro station and waited while I backtracked after missing my stop. Thanks for your hospitality, Nikki and Dave!

 Friday evening we enjoyed a Nationals Game with the Johns. It was a great night! The weather was perfect and it felt good to sit after all the walking we were doing in DC.

Saturday evening we arrive in Kansas City at dusk. As much fun as I had with Anthony and the Johns in DC, I missed my kids and was happy to see my home.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

2013 :: week 29

Sunday evening we spent a few minutes out front after dinner. The kids like to watch the cars, people and animals that pass by.

Monday afternoon we went to the pool. We saw some kids that go to church with us, and they were kind enough to include Will in a game of catch during the adult swim. Will was so, so pleased.

This week may have been the hottest of the summer yet. We spent a lot of time at the pool and Tuesday was no exception. Lauren really likes to ride on my back and is constantly climbing on me whenever we're both in the water.

We took the kids to the mall Wednesday evening. I had planned on taking the kids to Deanna Rose, but I misread the hours and we didn't end up going. Will did not take the change of plans well, so riding the carousel at the mall was the next best thing.

When Will wears his patch he gets a treat, usually a popsicle. Lauren likes to join in too.

Friday afternoon we went to a nearby elementary school for lunch. Lauren really liked the oranges they served. She even ate some of the peel.

Our comforter is just barely too small for our washing machine. Saturday afternoon I headed to the neighborhood Suds 'N Duds for an hour to give it a good washing. I had been putting if off for a few weeks because it seemed so inconvenint. But once I was there I loaded the machine and then had half an hour to read by myself. Why did I wait so long?

Saturday, July 20, 2013

berry picking

At the recommendation of my friend Lauren, we finally got around to checking out The Berry Patch Friday night. I made the mistake of telling Will about the possibility of going Thursday as he was getting ready for bed and it was all we talked about Friday. All. Day. Long. I should have checked to make sure it wasn't going to be in the high 90's and extremely humid before mentioning anything to him. He's got a great memory.

Because of the muggy conditions, we didn't head down until 7pm. The patches are located a few miles south of the city and are really picturesque. My cell phone photos just don't do it justice.

Anthony and Will were very serious.

Lauren picked lots of berries that weren't yet ripe.

Will scoured the bushes for the biggest berries he could find. He did a pretty good job and did find the largest berries any of us picked. One of the games Will has been playing outside a lot this summer is "berry picking." He picks buds or leaves off trees and calls them berries and brings them to me to "eat." He was very excited to pick berries for real.

Lauren spent the entire time eating. It was almost as if she decided to bring Blueberries for Sal to life. Although her berries usually didn't make it into the bucket first. She ate berries straight from bushes and berries from the ground. Her hand got stuck in the proverbial cookie jar (Will's bucket) more than once. She ate berries that were fully ripe and berries that were not. She probably ate some dirt too.

Despite the heat, it was a gorgeous evening. I hope we can make time for a return trip before the berry picking season is over.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

swimming lessons

Will took his first set of swimming lessons June 24th-July 3rd.

We were lucky and only had one day where they had to cut class short. It was amazing watching the storm blow in. As we were walking toward the pool it was a little cloudy, but in a matter of minutes the entire sky was dark.

progress report

Unfortunately, not a lot of progress was made after this. Will's refusal to put his face in the water really put a damper on things.

quite excited about the Swedish fish his teacher gave him on the last day of classes

While he didn't pass the class, he had a great time and is much more confidant in the water than he was before.