Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Considering all the events and activities available to us, we really didn't do a lot to celebrate Easter this year. In fact, besides putting up a few decorations, I don't think we did anything easter-y until the weekend before.
Friday afternoon we walked around the Plaza and found a bunny to pose with.

Then that night we visited Bass Pro, where once again our children refused to pose for a picture without us. Lauren in particular hates furries. She is like a little dog. She cries and we take her away, then she runs back and yells at it, then gets scared and runs away again. Then she repeats the cycle of yelling and running away. It is funny to watch. Will wrote his name on an egg, then we wandered around the store chatting with friends and daydreaming about owning a party pontoon someday.

Saturday morning we headed to Mission for their annual Egg-stravaganza. Lauren liked this Bunny even less than the one at Bass Pro. Will was also a bit wary.

When it came time to hunt eggs though, Lauren was good to go. She was off, didn't really need any help from me, except to open the packages of candy for her.

Will had some early-hunt jitters, but he was able to work through them and come up with a basket full of loot.

After church Sunday we pulled out the baskets the Bunny delivered.

Will got a new "kicking ball" (kick ball) because his old one is now deflated due to failure to protect it from the elements. He also got an Ammon action figurine and Pez (worst idea ever, Bunny!). Lauren got some Little People animals, Captain Moroni action figure (which Will commandeered immediately upon its opening), and some pouches of squeezey baby food.

Her reaction when I only let her eat one of her pouches. She feels things deeply.

After she recovered we went over to my parents house where the Easter Bunny had left some eggs in their backyard for the kids to find.


We now have entirely too much candy. Next year I want to do a better job of discussing the real meaning of Easter with the kids. Will seems to have a pretty basic grip on it, but we did little as a family to really think about the spiritual aspects of Easter together.


Laura said...

Easter candy always gets me...like the entire bag of cadbury eggs i ate in the last 24 hours. whoops! I love the pics, as always.

E said...

I like the tantrum shots. Classic.

The Cunninghams said...

I like their Easter Bunny wariness.:)

Emily said...

Love the post!

"Lauren feels things deeply." Hahaha! I can't wait til she's a teenager ;)

Glad Easter was fun for you guys!

Susan said...

Lauren looks really pretty in her Easter dress.

celeste said...

ha! some of these photos are destined to become family classics.