Monday, April 8, 2013

2013 :: week 14

Sunday evening we had dessert with some friends. It was a beautiful night and we visited outside while our kids played in the backyard. Lauren especially loved their trampoline. Her fuzzy head was cracking me up. Try as I might to tame her hair, it always wants to do its own thing. Her barrette was no match for the static.

The kids enjoyed dancing while Anthony played the piano Monday evening. The face Will is making in this picture reminds me of his Uncle Matt. Lauren was very pleased that Will wanted to dance with her.

There is an area set up at the Target near where we live that Will refers to as the "beach." There is a big yellow sun hanging from the ceiling, and underneath is a variety of patio furniture.  When we were there on Tuesday Will insisted on taking his shoes off and running around "the beach." I'm glad he has an active imagination, but sometimes it really tries my patience.

Lauren and I ran a few errands while Will was at preschool on Wednesday. I didn't quite capture it with my camera, but Lauren has become a hostile participant in most activities involving a cart. She does not appreciate being buckled in, but if I don't buckle her she tries to climb out. In this picture she is attempting to climb out, and feeling frustrated.

Thursday we were planning on meeting some friends at the park for playgroup, but went to the library instead. For some unknown reason Will decided he did not want to go to the park. I had been planning on going to the library after the park anyway, so we just went to the library. The library was almost empty, most likely due to the beautiful weather. We had the whole children's area to ourselves and Will put on a puppet show while Lauren flipped through mulitiple board books.

Friday was such a gorgeous day. We played in the backyard for several hours and Lauren mastered climbing in and out of the car. This is a major accomplishment, because now I do not have to help her each time she wants to get in or out, which is often.

It is no coincidence that the weekend I have a terrible sinus headache is the week our flowers finally bloom.  Luckily it was a fairly low-key weekend. We spent most of the day listening to General Conference, napping, and playing outside. Even though I didn't feel very well, it did buoy up my spirits to see the beautiful blossoms.


Emily said...

Lojo does seem pretty pleased to be dancing with Will. And I love her fuzzy head on the trampoline. Too cute!

Carly said...

Will's face in that picture is very reminiscent of Matt. I am jealous of your library's children's section. That looks like a lot of fun.

Mitzi said...

Beautiful flowers! I hope you're feeling better!