Tuesday, April 2, 2013

2013 :: week 13

Sunday morning we got another snowstorm and this time there was no church. Church was actually cancelled Saturday evening in anticipation of winter storm Virgil. I had my doubts, but Virgil delivered. Will got to wear the new snow suit I bought him for next year. They were a little long, but kept him much warmer than the layers of jeans and sweatpants I was having him wear outside before. In keeping with John tradition Will and TJ built another snowman, this one named "Little John."

March is quite possibly Anthony's favorite month. March madness, spring training, fantasy baseball drafts...what more could a sports-loving a man want? Here he is during one of his drafts. He's got a nice set-up--blanket and space heater to keep him warm, knock off girl scout cookies to keep his energy up, and phone to discuss picks with bff Darren. I'm not sure how many leagues he is participating in this year. Four, I think, but it could be five. I'm glad he has something he enjoys, but I reserve the right to make fun of it on occasion.

Tuesday afternoon Will and I baked some sugar cookies for the families I visit teach. I had to leave the kitchen for a bit with Lauren, and when we came back the first thing Will said to me was, "Don't worry Mom, I didn't eat all the cookies. I made an egg." My thought was, "Good, you weren't supposed to eat ANY of the cookies." Will then put a blanket over his head and slinked off, so I thought I better investigate. The above photo is what I found. Twelve cookies perfectly normal, but two with bites taken out. Apparently when he disfigured the rabbit he desided he needed to make things even?!? Sometimes I wish I could see what is going on in his head, but it is probably best not to know.

The first days adjusting to Daylight Savings are always a bit rough, but I am loving it now. This picture of Will and TJ snuggled up in the "boat" watching a movie was taken at 7:30 pm! I love that it is light later. Our kids are staying up about half and hour later, but that is an exchange I am happy to make for some extra sunshine.

I wanted to take a picture of the pretty flowers I bought for the baby shower I threw last week, and also the wheat grass Will and I grew. Both the flowers and grass really bloomed this past week and they really brightened up our front room. The piano book pictured is a big book of love songs that Anthony's family bought for him years ago. I think. That's what he tells me, he had it when we got married. Lately, if he has a few minutes in the evening he sits down and plays a song or two. It's funny, a lot of the songs are super cheesy and I don't necessarily like the original versions, but I like Anthony's versions.

We enjoyed the gorgeous weather Friday evening by walking around the Plaza and sharing some ice cream and sorbet for dessert. The last time Lauren got sorbet was when we were in Boston last August. As you can see from the pictures, she liked it. She would have eaten the entire child size serving herself if we would have let her.

The kids enjoyed climbing in a fire truck at the Mission Eggstravaganza Saturday morning.


Laura said...

I love these posts! I love seeing and hearing about what's going on in your lives from states away!

Mitzi said...

I love Lauren's happy sorbet face!:)