Friday, February 22, 2013

snow on snow on snow

We finally got a lot of snow. Not as much as our family in the east or intermountain west have had to deal with, but a lot for Kansas. Enough to basically shut the city down. Thankfully we were safe and warm. But because Tony has teleworking capabilities he still had to work, and the kids are too young for school, it wasn't a very exciting "snowday" for us. 
When Tony finished work we bundled up the kids and went out on the back patio for a bit.

It was Lauren's first time in the snow. We don't really have the best snowgear for kids, so we made do with lots of layers of what we have. Lauren didn't really want to walk in the snow, but when I set her down in the snow she enjoyed rolling around and sneaking a few bites.

Will really wanted to have a snowball fight. It wasn't the best snow for snowballs, but with the help of Dad he was able to throw a few.


Tony got Will back after her threw snow at Lojo.

We ended up spending about as much time outside as we did getting ready and cleaning up, so I'd say it was a success.

Post-snow we snuggled up and watched an episode of Clifford, "Kibble Crook," per Will's request.

After the kids went to bed I made some bread. Tuesday night our relief society activity was about breadmaking. My yeast didn't proof right so the loaf was a rock. I was pleased to get it right this time.


Emily said...

Sounds like fun! I wish Will and Lojo could play in my yard. We just got a few more inches today!

E said...

So cute. Love Lauren's little coat!