Sunday, February 10, 2013

2013 :: week 6


Poor Lauren got croup this week. It was strange to see it come on so quickly. She seemed to be 100% healthy in the morning and most of church. She coughed a few times during relief society and then took a long nap after church. We put a humidifier in her room and she coughed the night away.

I actually don't mind doing laundry that much, but I for some reason I struggle getting it folded. Monday I put it on our bed in the hopes that it would force me to fold it. I'm pleased to report that it actually got done.

Lately Lauren is really into peek-a-boo. She will randomly cover her face and wait until someone says, "Where's Lauren?" Then she spreads her arms wide as she reveals herself. She thinks this is awesome and we think it is pretty cute.

Will watched part of an episode of Arthur and there was some sort of crocodile on it. I came in from the other room to find Will on top of the table trying to get away from the crocodiles in the kitchen. He is fascinated by crocodiles, alligators, sharks, etc., and talks about them all the time. But depending on his mood he can also be terrified of them. I don't want to deny him knowledge, and he is truly very interested in them, but it gets old dealing with his freakouts. At least this one amused Lauren.

Thursday night Will and I tagged along and watched TJ play in a stake basketball tournament. Will was so excited. Several of Will's friends were there to watch the game too and he had an absolute blast cheering for his dad. It was funny to hear him get into a "My dad," "No! My Dad" interchange with another kid.

Friday we finally got out of the house. We went to the open gym and played for a bit. Some schools had a the day off, so it was more crowded than the other times we've gone. There were some older boys playing a pick-up game of basketball and Lauren wandered into their game several times.

Saturday we deep cleaned our tv room. We spend most of our time in this room and it needed to be done. We all worked together. Will helped by wiping the walls and Lauren helped by staying out of the room. 


Meredith said...

I love the pickaboo pictures of Lauren. I also love that you have continued to do the daily pictures. I struggle to come up with new comments, but I always enjoy your posts.

Laura said...

Poor Lo Jo. The picture of her peekaboo is so cute. I also love that Will watched some Arthur. His Aunt Mel will be so pleased.

Jill said...

Is Loj wearing leg warmers?