Friday, February 15, 2013

Fall Fun

When I started making weekly picture posts my goal was to blog about parts of our lives that wouldn't ordinarily be "blog worthy," but that I would appreciate having recorded. Then I got lazy and the weekly posts began to take place of other posts. We had a lot of fun this past fall, and I neglected to post about a lot of it! I'm working on a blog book for 2012, so you will hopefully be seeing some "catch up" posts over the next few days.

Enjoying the outdoors
We spent a lot of time outdoors this fall doing a variety of things--watching parades, attending festivals, playing at the park by our house, exploring parks around the area, throwing rocks and sticks into water (that was mostly Will), playing in the back yard, taking walks, raking leaves, running, meeting up with friends to picnic and play at the park, etc., etc.



Cider Mill
My friend Emily coordinated a group tour at the Louisburg Cider Mill in early October. We got to see how cider is made, take a hayride around the farm, and eat some delicious doughnuts. At the end a bunch of the kids got up on the stage and started dancing. For some reason Will didn't want to join in on the dancing, but we did have a fun morning.



Pumpkin Patch
We took our yearly trek out to Shaake's Pumpking Patch in Lawrence to pick some pumpkins. It was Lauren's first visit, as we went in early October last year to avoid any conflicts with her pending due date. My mom came too and was kind enough to let Will lead her around.


Hayride with friends
My friend Susan organized a hayride/hot dog roast that had to be postponed due to bad weather. We lucked out and got a nice Saturday a few weeks later, so we got to go after all. Our family sat on the end of the wagon closest to the tractor, which Will clearly found a little loud. It was kind of relaxing to ride around the park, and fun to visit with friends while we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows.

I forgot how beautiful fall can be. I think I'm ready for fall to come again.


Laura said...

Love the pictures! The ones of Will and Lauren are way cute. And I especially love the pictures of Will Zippy-scowling on the swing with his friends and of him on stage while the other kids have fun dancing behind him haha. What a crazy kid.

The Cunninghams said...

You definitely made me wish for Fall! Cute pictures!