Thursday, February 2, 2012

a walk to remember

In honor of the unseasonably warm weather we've been experiencing this week, we decided to take a few walks today.

Will was content to ride on the stroller for about 5 minutes. Then he insisted on walking. At first I was fine with it because it was a lot easier to push the stroller sans his 30 lbs. But then we moved along at a pace of about one sidewalk square per minute. Seriously, I think we averaged about a 45 minute mile. It really tested my patience, but it was nice to be outside and breathe in the crisp, fresh air.

At one point Will yelled, "Mommy, look! A deer!" When I turned and looked at him he had two sticks against his head like antlers. He later told me to look at the moose as he was holding larger sticks up to head. He's been pretty imaginative lately and it cracks us up.

Our slow leisurely pace put Lauren to sleep. I couldn't blame her. Feeling the warm sun on my face made me look forward to the warmer days of spring and summer that are just around the corner.

Will placed the stick and "ball" (sweetgum tree seed?) on her chest. I think he has figured out that it if he picks up items for Lauren he can take twice as long and pick up twice as many objects.

The forecast looks pretty bleak for the foreseeable future, so I'm glad we were able to get out and enjoy.


Laura said...

he looks so much like Tony in the second picture! and he looks pretty cute in the last one too! Oh Willbur, what a kid!

Susan said...

I know - this crazy weather has been so wonderful. I wonder if we'll get any snow this year???