Sunday, February 5, 2012

100 days of Lauren

As of Jan 29 our little Lauren is 100 days old. To celebrate we drove from Orem to St. George to visit her great-grandparents.

She was a doll on the trip down and enjoyed rocking out with her aunts Jill and Laura.

I neglected to post about her at 2 months, but at her 2 month appointment she weighed 12 lbs. 4 oz. (90th percentile). At her dermatologist appointment Wednesday (103 days old) she weighed 14 lbs. 1 oz., so she's gaining about a pound a month. She is a good eater and I am loving that she eats once every 3 1/2 to 4 hours during the day and has only been waking up once or twice most nights.

Lauren loves her brother. She watches him play and gets a pleased look on her face when he pays her any attention.

The other night she almost gave herself whiplash trying to keep her eye on him as he marched around her singing "Ring Around the Rosie."

He is really warming up to her too, and I often overhear him telling her to "Look!" at whatever it is he is doing at the moment.

Because of the placement of her hemangioma (right lower back) the doctor has ordered as much tummy time as she can handle. She handles it pretty well.

At her doctor's appointment this week I realized I hadn't been using one of her ointments correctly and that I could give her painkillers before I changed the dressing each day. Since we've made the switch she is tolerating the process much better.

She has really started to communicate with us recently. Smiles, coos and squawks are now a regular occurrence. It's fun to watch her change, yet remain herself, as she gets older. Time is weird, especially as you get older and have a broader perspective. Some things take so long and others pass by much too quickly. That is exactly how I feel about the first 100 days with Lauren.


Emily said...

So glad Lauren is a member of the fam :) Also pleased to hear she's able to get some pain killers. It's no fun to be in that much pain :(

I thought the whiplash part was funny too. Too bad you didn't get that on a video!


Carly said...

Did Anthony manage to make it through your absence without giving himself salmonella?