Wednesday, February 29, 2012

lauren :: four months

Our little Lojo is now 4 months old.

Four month stats:

Weight: 14 lbs. 8 oz. 75th percentile
Length: 24 1/2 " 50th percentile

Here are a few of the things she's been working on this past month:

Growing hair like nobody's business. Due to normal baby-hair loss and the many head scrubs she gets to remedy her cradle cap, things were looking thin up top for awhile. Now, it seems, the hair is back and it appears to be thicker and blonder than ever.

Thinning out. I had to laugh when the nurse told me it looked like she was really starting to thin out. She has the best cheeks. They are so kissable and fun to snuggle.

She also has amazing legs. Seriously. I cannot wait to see her in a swimsuit.

And speaking of legs, she likes to use them to scoot about on her back. When placed on her back she frequently begins to push with her feet and can move all over the place. It reminds me of a dog lying on the ground trying to scratch its own back. This is the most frustrating at night or naptime when she pushes herself into the side of her bed. Today I laid her on the ground to change her diaper and realized I needed more wipes. By the time I got back she had pushed herself into the coffee table. Maybe this is common? I just don't remember Will ever doing anything like it. We wonder if maybe she is trying to itch her back? It hasn't seemed to exacerbate her hemangioma. When placed on her stomach she tries to move, but hasn't yet figured out how. Will's toys seem to be all the motivation she needs to try though.

Her smile just keeps getting cuter. She laughs occasionally and it is one of my favorite sounds ever. She can be a grouch if her gums are bothering her or when we are changing the dressing on her back, but she gets happy again pretty quickly.

She's figured out that her brother is far more interesting than her parents, as he captivates her attention whenever he is within her line of site. It makes me laugh, every morning when she gets up the first thing he says to her is, "Lauren, Will's awake."


Jeanne said...

Those are some impressive leg rolls! She is absolutely adorable Carrie!

Emily said...

I had to laugh when I read that Will likes to announce (in third person) how he's awake every morning :) And I'm excited to see those rolls when we hit the pool!

Holly said...

It's so clear in these pictures how much she looks like will. You make cute babies!