Thursday, January 26, 2012


Will recently discovered his love of the camera. He will often grab it when I am feeding Lauren or otherwise distracted.

Here are some photos he took recently. It is interesting to see the world from his eyes, as well as what he thinks is worth capturing. There were several carpet shots. When he saw me upload the pictures to the computer he was very proud of the pictures he took of the TV. There were lots of those too. "Shiny, Tiny, Don!"

But far and away he's taken the most pictures of his face.

This one's my fave. Love the artistry of the drool en route to the camera.


Emily said...

Excellent photos! The last one does have a very personal Will touch to it. Looks like we have the next Ansel Adams in our family!

Laura said...

hahaha oh willbur. He'll have to consult his auntie Mel for advice on the creative and most flattering selfie angles.

Jill said...

While Melanie is perhaps a creep-factor wizard, I think we can all agree that I am pretty good at finding flattering angles in selfies.