Wednesday, January 11, 2012

If my kids had facebook their statuses might read

Lauren John thinks sleeping at night is for chumps. Night is the new day.

Will John just learned this cool new word: mine.


Laura said...

oh goodness. it's a good thing they're cute, cause the no sleeping and "mine" talk sounds pretty rough.

Emily said...

I second what Laura says. It's good they're cute right now. I think it's a law of nature. Parents would leave their children if they were learning "mine" and insisting on an awful sleep schedule AND going through the awkward stage.

Also, it's a comfort knowing Will is big on dental hygiene. :)

Susan said...

Sorry to hear about Lauren's sleepless nights. Hope she figures out her days and nights sooner rather than later so you can get some rest.

Lauren said...

I hope she gets her sleep figured out soon! No fun. On another note, you are so funny. I always get a good laugh out of your posts.

Jilleen said...

I love it!!