Friday, January 6, 2012

kids say the darndest things

Sometimes I like to read the Ensign while I feed Lauren. Today while I was feeding her Will came over to us and asked for my "book." After I gave it to him he looked at the cover for a minute, then smiled at me and said, "Deeta! Hona!" Which interpreted means, "Santa! Liahona!"

Not exactly true, but Lehi does have a big beard, he's wearing red and white, sitting down surrounded by people and we just put our Christmas decorations away this morning.

I was actually pretty pleased, even proud, that he mentioned the liahona because that means he is getting something out of our nightly scripture reading. We try to read a story a night out of his scripture story book and we read about the liahona over a week ago. Unfortunately, my maternal pride was short lived. Less than an hour later he hit his head on the ground in frustration when I told him he couldn't watch Barney (again).


Emily said...

It is quite impressive to remember a complex word like that! Way to go Will!!

Tina said...

Just like when Matthew opened his birthday present at 3 years old, and pronounced a monster from Space Jam as "Joseph Smith"...we still don't really know where that came from. At least you know WHY Will thought it was the Liahona, and it was a GOOD thing (i.e. you are reading scriptures with him).

Laura said...

oh will. what a cutie!