Hoping to save time, I attempted to simultaneously bathe my children yesterday. Because the baby tub takes up so much space in the regular tub, and that Will, he likes his space, they bathed next to each other.
For the most part, we were successful.
A less successful moment occurred right after this picture was taken. I had already asked Will to not pour water on Lauren, but he went ahead poured a cup of water on her face. We're lucky she is so easygoing because other than a few blinks, it didn't seem to faze her.
Will redeemed himself when he offered to share his letters with her.
Two clean kids, no crying, and a little bit of sharing. Sounds like a success to me.
P.S. Lauren is really starting to remind us of Will at the same age. Minus the under-eye circles. Could it be because she is a much better sleeper?

Wow, they are looking so much alike these days. We've recently started bathing Clara and Evaline together and it does make things a little easier. And as an added bonus - they both love being in the tub together.
hahaha the picture of Will holding the cup is funny. He has such a mishcevious look on his face. Oh Lo Jo. It's a good thing she is patient.
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